Wednesday, July 14, 2021

The Disconnect Is Astonishing!

I know that the main focus and goal in the public school system -- including most colleges, universities and private, "Catholic" schools -- is not to educate the students about the roots and struggles of early Americans, including important current events, but to show just how "racist" or "bigoted" our Founders were.  Unfortunately, for the most part, that is what passes for education these days.  

Make no mistake, racism and bigotry have no place in America, but to mix those horrors with all that was, and is good, focusing on the negative, instead of the positive elements and sacrifices that brought our nation into existence in the first place, does nothing to right any present wrongs to correct the ailments that are slowly destroying our Republic...

Indentured servitude and outright slavery was, and is to be condemned, by all right-thinking patriots.  But to place the burden of so-called "reparations," as well as blame, on present-day Americans for the acts of some of our predecessors, is downright stupid and unjust... 

Those who dwell on our past sins, conveniently ignore the racism, indentured servitude and slavery that continues to this very day in some African territories, as well as in other nations.  It should be mentioned, that the slave traders are mostly black, as were their predecessors back in the day.  That, I'm sure, is an inconvenient truth that the hypocritical media and civil rights "leaders" pretend is not true or doesn't exist. 

The idea of some radical liberals -- some white, some black -- lumping all white Americans into the despicable categories of being racist or bigots, is itself racism and bigotry.  Such a pejorative does nothing to heal any open wounds, but rather rubs salt into those wounds, ramping up malcontent and outright hate of one race toward another -- race-baiting, as the current regime occupying the Oval Office and their cronies love to do...  

Those lies, told often enough, becomes the "truth."  When that happens, we all suffer the consequences of distrust, but we must question the motives and the agendas of the accusers, and rightly so: it is called defending ourselves from slander, libel (defamation) and character assassination... This, however, is not enough, as we have to go on the offensive to point out their lies in order to achieve some measure of justice...

It seems that black -- and white -- liberals of our day, have forgotten the words of the icon of the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 60s: Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who famously wrote: "Judge a man not by the color of his skin, but by the content of his  character.” 

When have we heard this emanate from the mouths of those insisting that white America deserve the same chance: to be judged by their character?  Never have; and it'll be a cold day in hell before we do...

With the onslaught of the liberal tsunami drowning our society as well as the church in the errors of liberalism (it is a sin!), we can readily see the "trickle-down" effect of this error in nearly all aspects of life in America, from the tyranny of fear being perpetrated by medical "authorities" over a certain strain of the flu bug, to the infiltration of our military services and schools with the so-called "critical race theory" -- the new pet, cause celebre...

As the title of my article: The Disconnect Is Astonishing, indicates the total divorce from reality and the Natural Law, that has led to the culture of death, especially the destruction of the pre-born baby in the womb, and aggressively pushing the sodomite agenda, that will certainly bring down the wrath of God on an unrepentant people.  When, where and how this will happen, is anyone's guess, but it will happen, not if it happens...

Woe to those who are caught without oil in their lamps... for we do not know the day or the hour of the return of our King of Kings, Christ, the Just Judge...

Pray for strength and honor!  

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro and Fr. Emil Kapaun, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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