Friday, July 9, 2021


The demons are everywhere -- corruption is everywhere -- and they have found a home in the federal government of the U.S. of A.; a government that has lost all sense of right and wrong; a government that has abandoned the Natural Law; a government being run -- and ruined -- by anti-American, Marxist/Communists, who wear three-piece suits or dresses... They use their "faith" as a cover, but in reality, they are slithering snakes in the grass who talk out of both sides of their mouths... And every time they open their mouths, they lie -- then lie again to cover-up the lie they just told to a gullible, limp-wristed John and Mary Q. Public who have swallowed that damnable lie to their own detriment and demise... American patriotism and heroism is on the chopping block: it's 1789 all over again, but this time, these anti-Christs just may succeed in controlling every aspect of our lives.  That, my dear readers, is called slavery; freedom be damned!


Being a patriot, it pains me to report the widespread treason being perpetrated by those in trusted positions in our federal government --against their fellow countrymen.   

Nevertheless, it has to be mentioned, talked and written about.  If that is not done, then we will no longer be a free people; living in a free Republic, but slaves to those who serve the demon, not their real, true God.  

The grand irony in all of this, is that those who do not believe in God -- will still be held responsible for their actions, or inactions, toward their neighbor -- will have to face Christ at their Particular Judgment (as we all will), believe it or not; like it or not...

The treason I mention, is deeply entrenched within many agencies that make up the multi-tentacled, self-perpetuating bureaucracies that have become the centralized, federal government...    

Many heads of those agencies are career politicians appointed by treasonous presidents, that, if they had their way, would openly state their diabolical desire to re-make (the "great reset"?) America into another socialist/Communist, hell-hole we witness in present-day North Korea or Red China.  

(The complicit, Marxist media ignores the fact that much of what Americans consume, are goods and services produced in sweat- shops; sweat-shops that long ago were deemed inhumane in the U.S. and done away with by the labor reformers of the late 19th- and early 20th-Centuries... Even worse, are the documented reports of actual concentration/re-education camps in Red China, imprisoning certain Muslim sects being used as forced labor -- read: slaves -- there are even reports of organ harvesting of these poor souls while still alive!  Does that sound familiar?  It should, as "planned parenthood," in the U.S., has been caught, red-handed, in undercover videos, buying and selling baby body parts to the highest bidder... And yet, it is still going on despite a federal ban on such horrible, illegal harvesting...)


In recent days, it has been confirmed that our spy agencies, such as the NSA, are spying alright, but not just on foreign entities (even on some of our so-called allies) but also on you and me.  Let that sink in... 

A prime example?  

The conservative Fox commentator, Tucker Carlson, has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the NSA has been monitoring and reading his e-mails!  But who thinks that it is only his e-mails that are being monitored and read??   How about his Facebook postings?  Or, how about his Tweets?  Don't you think they're monitoring his phone conversations, too?  

Replace Tucker Carson with you and me, and you have a recipe for a total lack of privacy, as swell as a massive violation of the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.  (If you are not familiar with the Fourth Amendment, I strongly suggest that you do get familiar with it.  If we don't exercise our Constitutional rights, we will lose those rights.  Remember, too, that it is the job of government to safeguard those God-given rights that are enshrined in the Natural Law, and not to violate those rights!)


Things will only get worse with the current regime occupying the Oval Office, and the appointments that Biden has placed into the various influential -- and powerful -- agencies, supposedly to protect and defend our way of life.  It is bad enough to have to deal with our perceived enemies that threaten us from those rogue Marxist/Communist nations such as Red China, but to have to deal with those enemies from within our borders is sickening and despairing.  Yet, they must be fought tooth and nail, peaceably if possible, that is, if we wish to remain a free people.  It's that simple...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro and Fr. Emil Kapaun, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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