Saturday, July 17, 2021

Pope Bergoglio Drops A Tactical Nuclear Weapon On The Traditional Latin Mass -- And Those Faithful To It...

 Over the last several weeks, the rumors were flying hot and heavy that Pope Bergoglio was hatching a massive conspiracy aimed at destroying (abrogating), or at least nuancing to death, the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM), and those faithful to the Mass of the Saints and Martyrs...

Those rumors have now been manifested in a new motu proprio severely restricting various aspects of Pope Benedict's motu proprio of 2007, allowing any priest the ability to say the TLM without the bishop's permission.  That right, has now been consigned to the dustbin of history.  

But it doesn't end there... It gets worse... From now on, if a priest wants to celebrate the TLM, he must ask the bishop; the bishop then must write to Rome to get the "okay."  

Lots of luck, Father...

I say that, because the authority responsible for granting permission, are the hand-picked, crony modernists of Bergoglio...  

I can only imagine that the overwhelming majority of bishops are jumping for joy at the new restrictions and regulations regarding the TLM.   It is no exaggeration to say that those who love our Lord, and the sublimity of the most beautiful thing this side of Heaven (the TLM), are in for the fight of their spiritual lives... I, and my family, will be "boots on the ground" in the struggle to come...

Consider: pope Bergoglio hates Tradition.  I ask my readers: what actually does he hate?  The Tradition I mention, is not the "tradition of men," but rather the sacred Tradition of Christ's teaching to the Apostles, and they passing down that Tradition to us over the course of 2,000 years.  In addition, he hates those who adhere to that Tradition, and condemns those who attend the TLM as being "rigid" and unwilling to accept the "teachings" of Vat. II... How many times have we heard that nonsense?  He also knows that the majority are mostly younger, growing families who hear the dogmas of the Faith preached from the housetops at the TLM.  This, in direct contradiction to the malaise and compromise brought on by the demonic Second Vatican Council, as well as the near total destruction of many religious orders and vocations, beginning in the late 60s and forward -- at least in the novus ordo. 

The TLM and the uncompromised teachings of Christ and His Church, are an oasis in the midst of scandal and appeasement to the spirit of the age by most of the bishops, all the way up to the occupant of the Chair of St. Peter...

It is downright horrifying to see with our own eyes, and the hear with our own ears, the betrayal of the bishops (priests, cardinals and even the pope) letting the wolves enter, scatter and devour the flock entrusted to them by our Lord.  

We can also see those good priests being persecuted by those very same bishops, kicking them out of their ministries, homes and rectories and throwing their sacred vocations under the bus.  Why?  Because they wanted to preach the uncompromised truths of the faith to their flocks.  That "bus" is the juggernaut of modernism that has, and continues to  sweep through the church, ruining millions of souls, so poorly catechized, that most "Catholics" now deny the Real Presence of our Lord in the Holy Eucharist.  It is also estimated that Mass attendance is a paltry 30 percent -- or less, again, in the novus ordo... 

Instead of pope Bergoglio being concerned about those souls, he insists on implementing his new diabolical tool of the devil to subdue -- and eventually eradicate -- the TLM from the face of the earth.  Nice going, pope Bergoglio...  

So, what are we faithful Catholics to do in the face of this attack, not only on the TLM, but also on the Faith itself?  First and foremost, pray!  Yes, pray for the conversion of the apostates in the hierarchy, that they return to the Catholic faith.  Second, resist to the face, when those bishops restrict or attempt to eliminate the TLM from your community.  And, three, start planning for the construction of the "new catacombs"... Further, let us also unite with our brothers in the underground Church in Red Communist China, you know, those faithful Catholics who were sold out by the current regime in Rome with an agreement signed, sealed and delivered by that pervert "cardinal" McCarrick at the behest of pope Bergoglio... 

If this is where we have to be, then so be it.  If it means a martyrdom -- either white or red -- so be it.

We must always keep in mind, that our Lord is culling the weeds from the wheat in the current chastisement...

Stand fast and never give an inch!  

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro and Fr. Emil Kapaun, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



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