Tuesday, July 6, 2021

The Easiest Thing To Do Would Be To Live Your Life As An Ostrich...

 Today is July 4, 2021; the day we celebrate our independence from Great Britain and King George III... 

The way things are going in our country right now, the indication is that we might have to declare another Independence Day; another Fourth of July.  

Another Declaration of Independence, perhaps?

But from whom, or what?

Are you blind?  Are you deaf?  Are you a follower -- at all costs, including the loss of your freedoms, given to us by God (not granted by the government) -- in order to live whatever type of life those in "authority" tell you you can live?

Is everything "okay" with you?  Is society going in the direction that is "okay" with you?  Is the church going in the direction that is "okay" with you?  

If things are "okay" with you, then you are a member of that very exclusive club -- of ostriches... And, if that is the case, I strongly suggest you pull your head out, because if you don't, you will become a slave to the oligarchs; the one-world-order slave masters; the demagogues, hell-bent on, well, enslaving you.  

And they won't necessarily come from some obscure foreign nation, but rather right here in the U.S. of A., that is, if we let them.  It is up to each and every one of you -- and me -- to see that our Republic survives this onslaught of moral turpitude, including the culture of death being pushed by so-called "Catholics," and, believe it or not, pope Bergoglio and his minions of apostates and demonic homosexualists who wear the Roman collar.  

Does that prospect get you dander up?  If not, then go back into your ostrich-hole, and die a slow death... Remember the little frog in the pot of water?   At first, the frog was enjoying the free bath and the cool, refreshing aqua.  But then, slowly, but surely, some nasty creep turned up the heat, and before the little frog knew it, he was boiled to death, and became someone's meal.  That is, if one savors boiled frogs...

I plead with my readers to wake the hell up!  Uncle Sam has been infiltrated by Biden and his cadre of anti-Christs -- a puppet of Xi -- or the rotting-in-hell spirit of Mao, or the equally demonic spirit of Stalin, tearing our country apart; dividing us; race-baiting us; allowing an invasion of illegal aliens to sap the strength of numerous state's resources; indebting us for generations to come with uncontrolled spending; imposing un-natural and sexually explicit so-called "sex-ed," and the destruction of the innocent on the altar of extreme political correctness; forced vaccinations are on the horizon, make no mistake... and the list goes on...

Who -- or what entities -- are behind this attack on our God-given rights, freedoms and responsibilities?  That very same "Uncle Sam" being held hostage by a fraudulently "elected," sexual pervert, Biden, along with another fraud, Harris, that's who...  

Do you know who these people really are?  Do you know what really makes them tick?  If you don't know -- or wish to remain an ostrich, then fine and dandy.  But one day, when you wake up, you will groan and realize that you are no longer a free, American citizen, but a mind-numbed robot, doing the will -- not of God, but of a demonic regime that has been bought and paid for, not by the blood, sweat and tears of patriots, but by our enemies who would gladly sacrifice their troops to conquer us.  Their goal, of course, is to dominate, not only America, but also the world.

If any of this sounds far fetched, then simply study the history of the devil-worshiping Communists and their heirlings... It may also be of some interest to read or listen to those who have escaped from the clutches of communism, and made it to the safety of our shores... It is they who are warning a sleepy, indoctrinated, "vaccinated," face-diaper-wearing John Q. Public, that what they see happening in our country, is exactly why they fled from their own country!

There are many elements that have gotten us to this point, and one major element is the infiltration -- of the Catholic Church... Yes, by those same anti-Christs that have taken over our government, by hook or crook (and mostly by crooks)...

The institutionalized "Catholic" Church, for all practical purposes is D.O.A. (dead on arrival) and has been for nearly 60 years; at least...

And because of that spiritual death, those in power, who also claim to be Catholic, flaunt the very precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of their Savior, dragging His precious Face in the mud, enabled by an equally corrupt and faithless hierarchy.  The very shepherds that are supposed to be the protectors of the flock entrusted to them, are the traitors; traitors to the flock that is Christ, our Lord.  And now, these miscreants have devious plans to disrupt or destroy the Traditional Latin Mass, and drive all faithful Catholics back to the catacombs... So be it...

I cannot imagine the enormous price these scallywags will have to pay when they take their last breath on this earth and face their Master. 

If all this sounds like gloom and doom, it is simply facing reality...  But all is not lost!  We have our Lord's very words; His very promise to be with us until He comes again and sets in motion the real "Great Reset"!  Never forget that it is Our Blessed Lady who will crush the head of Satan; and he knows it!

Until then, we must be prepared for a "white martyrdom," and, possibly, an actual red martyrdom, that might be coming to fruition within the next few months or years; a little while, when compared to eternity...

Pray for strength and honor...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro and Fr. Emil Kapaun, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla




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