Friday, July 2, 2021

The Scourge Of Modernism In The Church Has Led To The Real Pandemic Of Abortion, Rampant Homosexuality And The Degradation Of The Soul Of America...

 The year was 1973: The Supreme Court ruled on a case brought before it by highly paid lawyers contending that -- somewhere in the U.S. Constitution -- they found that there was a "right" to privacy for a woman to have an abortion.  That pivotal case, known as Roe v Wade, set in motion a series of  events that dwarfs the holocaust of World War II, and continues to this very day.  The numbers of tiny babies killed are estimated at between 60,000,000 and 65,000,000 -- MILLION!  Who can comprehend such a massacre??   

As you can see, the justices on the court discarded the Natural Law -- and the Commandments -- in favor of  the demonic father of lies, Satan.

Books have been written on this horrendous and deadly tragedy by more learned than I, but it only takes common sense, and recognition of the Natural Law, to know that killing of a baby developing in the womb of her mother, not only violates that very same Natural Law, but also the Commandment -- not the suggestion! -- not to kill (murder)...

The way that "Catholic" politicians, as well as those sitting in the novus ordo, half-empty pews, use language, or, should I say, the misuse and corruption of the English language, in twisting the sacred Scriptures, to justify their aggressive, pro-death stance on the slaughter of pre-born babies, is legendary.  We should remember, too, that even Satan knows, and uses, the Scriptures to confuse and destroy the souls of the followers of Christ, our Lord... (St. Peter admonishes those who interpret the Scriptures, privately, can wrest the Scriptures to their own destruction...) 

What is the source and purpose of modernism and all its disastrous heresies? Rebellion against Christ...

Here are just a few of the tenets of modernism condemned by the Saintly Pope Pius X just after the turn of the 20th Century... With the ultimate goal of modernism to erase any remaining faith on earth, that is, faith in Christ.

Modernism hates tradition; both tradition that a civil society relies upon for the stability of the commonweal, as well as -- and even more importantly -- the sacred traditions of the Church.  Modernism hates the defined dogmas of the Church, but loves the zeitgeist (the spirit of the age).  Modernism believes in "situation ethics": there is no objective-truth-yardstick used to make a rightly informed decision.  In other words, modernists insist that the conscience is to be the ultimate guide in the decision-making process.

We know what that has led to, not only in this country, but also in most Western nations, proclaiming the killing of the pre-born as a "right".  In fact, the estimates for the number of pre-born babies killed since the 1970s, is calculated to be about 1,000,000,000 (BILLION!) worldwide.  

In addition to the outright murder of the pre-born having been declared "legal," now we have that same Supreme Court ruling that homosexuals who "marry," must be legally recognized by all civil entities.  The Church, however, does not, nor can she ever approve of the sin of the sodomites.  

It has now come to light, that many bishops (priests, cardinals -- and the pope too?) are either sympathetic to the sodomite agenda, or, even worse, are sodomites themselves.  This tragedy, if allowed to continue, will put an end to the institutionalized church as we know it.  The Church, itself, however, will last until our Lord returns to judge us according to our works.  (It is not my opinion that we will be judged by our works, but solidly based in Scripture.  Remember, too, the gates of hell will never prevail against His Church, that is a promise of our Lord, cited in Scripture.)

But the modernists in the Church have weakened the perennial teachings that go back to the time of the Apostles condemning homosexuality and abortion -- both damning to the soul. Now, far too many "Catholics" approve of those sins that condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to total destruction.

Will our Republic be next?

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro and Fr. Emil Kapaun, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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