Saturday, June 26, 2021

The Dishonesty Of "Unity," "Dialogue", Then Compromise, Finally Leading To Capitulation -- And Heresy?

 As a practicing traditional, Latin Rite Catholic, I am astounded at the nonsensical drivel I read and hear almost every day emanating from the hierarchs in the Vatican, concerning all matter of faith and morals...

Getting through daily life is difficult enough without more confusion coming from those ecclesiastical entities whose duty it is to protect and guide the flock to the heavenly beatitude.  Some of that confusion stems from the false premise that Catholics must "dialogue" with those outside the true Church of Christ, our Savior, in order to make-nice and not be judgmental of the actions and errors of others.

Please understand what I'm saying here: as a Catholic, I must "dialogue" in the sense that I must converse with those outside the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, and make myself an instrument of the Holy Ghost to convert my separated brethren so that they too might be saved.  But I will not "dialogue" just to go along to get along with nothing to show for it.  What it all boils down to, is that if someone is not willing to listen to the Truth, then I must shake the dust from my feet and spend my time on those individuals of good will who are, in fact, willing to listen.  

We also hear a lot about unity; whatever that means in the new-world-order church.  

Unity with what?

Can we claim to worship and love God, while at the same time, cling to some form of evil?  Can we run the race with the intent to win, but also bet with a bookie to lose that race? That makes no sense at all, yet that's what I see happening every day of the week from the powers enthroned in Rome espousing bizarre dictates that violate our common sense, as well as the teachings enshrined in the Deposit of Faith...

The foolishness coming out from the mouths of the hierarchs is in the public domain, and cannot be denied or explained away as "misinterpretation" or "misinformation."   

Take for instance, the latest musings that the traditional Latin Mass is on the way out, or will be modified to the point of it being little different than the new "Mass" concocted by that master of deceit and betrayal, "archbishop" Bugnini.

Why the hate for the TLM?

What we are told, coming from the pope and those he appointed to fulfill and carry out this attack, is that the TLM is "divisive"; that those who attend the TLM are too "rigid," and hanker for a bygone era... TLM and other forms of traditional worship of our Lord, conflicts with the agenda of the radical progressives that see no problem with sacrificing true Catholics on the altar of modernism and all its despicable errors...

If it were "only" the TLM that sticks in the craw of those intent on abolishing the Mass of all times, that's one thing, but we Catholics who try to live by the perennial teachings of the Church on faith and morals, and the Natural Law, are appalled by the support for one of the sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance: homosexuality, and the sodomite agenda and all the filth that is connected to it...

Unbelievably, there are priests, bishops, cardinals and popes involved in these un-natural vices that destroy, not only bodies, but more importantly, the souls of those who perpetuate that vice, as well as those who are abused and assaulted by the homosexual predators who wear the Roman collar; traitors to the Cross of Christ.

We can read the history books, but we can also see archived films from the days leading up to World War II, and beyond.  There is one particular recording of Prime Minster Chamberlain, who had just gotten off a plane, holding in his hand, the Munich Agreement of 1938, with Hitler's signature, that relinquished a region of Czechoslovakia to the Nazis. Nevertheless, Britain declared war on Germany the very next year. Chamberlain, who had lost political support, resigned in 1940 and died a few months later.

We now know that that attempt at compromise -- more rightly stated, appeasement, didn't work out too well, did it?

If appeasement never works out in secular matters, what makes anyone think that it will work in ecclesiastical matters?  All I see is history repeating itself... God help and have mercy on us...

Pray for strength and honor...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro and Fr. Emil Kapaun, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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