Friday, June 4, 2021

How Many People Have Died Or Have Been Incapacitated By The Covid-19 "Vaccine"? The REAL Numbers Are Unknown!

The media is doing a "fine job" as usual, in covering-up the real numbers of vaccine-related injuries, and, more importantly, deaths, due to the mostly untested, filthy "vaccines" developed on the backs of dead, pre-born babies...

What we do know, is that the numbers reported to the pertinent "authorities," are underestimated -- that is an understatement! -- and for good cause: if the real numbers ever came to light, there would be a righteous outcry to stop the jabs!

Or would there?

It is very plausible that the brainwashed, face-diaper-wearing, John Q. Public, wouldn't give a hoot about the thousands that have, in fact, been affected by strange and dangerous reactions to the numerous "vaccines" being peddled by big pharma.  Further, and more importantly, are the increasing number of deaths slowly leaking out from families and other sources directly affected by, or have knowledge of, these DNA-altering drugs being injected into the arms of, not only the elderly, but now, also into the arms of the very young

Is there a name for that?  Yes, it's called child abuse!  But it's "legal," just as the killing of the pre-born has been ruled "legal," by the demonic Roe v Wade decision of the -- just as demonic -- Supreme Court in 1973... 

(The amount of money that has been generated into the coffers of the companies with the patents for these "vaccines" is staggering: estimates are in the multiple BILLIONS!)

The following is an excerpt from an article in, by Michael Thau, PhD...

"The media outlets providing our vaccine overlords cover have also kept despicably silent about how few reports were coming in prior to the COVID-19 vaccines. The media excoriated people for mentioning a “mere” 4,000 death reports in five months, without mentioning that before the Covid vaccines came along, VAERS had only exceeded 200 death reports in an entire year once in its three-decade history...

"His [Tucker Carlson] subject was the bullying and censorship that’s getting heaped on “anyone who dares to question vaccines,” and he spent more time chronicling disturbing cases than he did on VAERS...

"But without looking into the matter, it’s just as likely that reporting has been suppressed by the vilification of anyone who so much as raises the possibility that getting jabbed is anything less than perfectly harmless."

End of excerpt...

We can only hope and pray that the facts -- the truth! -- will come out and those responsible for the mayhem and deaths due to these "vaccines" will be prosecuted and sent the prison for the rest of their natural lives.

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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