Tuesday, June 1, 2021

The Incredible Shrinking Man... (The Incredible Shrinking Faith!)

Back in 1957, there was one of the "50s" type sci-fi-horror movies, titled: The Incredible Shrinking Man.  If I were to rate this movie, I would probably give it a "C" at best, but I'm sure the kiddies liked it, that is, if parents, at the time, allowed their offspring to watch that junk in the first place...

In the movie, a guy named Scott begins to lose an inch of height every day!  As you can imagine, this began to present problems that most of us would simply shrug off as ridiculous or silly.  Such as, worrying if the family cat would make a meal of poor Scott!  And so on...

If we apply that same shrinking man theory to what is happening in what passes for the Catholic Church in the U.S. and in most Western nations, we can readily see that folks, who claim to be Catholic, are losing their faith more than an "inch a day."   

The reasons for this are legion and growing...

As an example, ever since the diabolically inspired Second Vatican Council, the institutionalized church has been in rapid decline, repudiating many Church teachings and dogmas, even if only by implication.  That new "spirit" was the "inspiration" for literally thousands of priests, religious brothers and sisters leaving their orders to experience their newfound "freedom." 

Well over 100 years ago, the good Pope Leo XIII had a vision of Satan and our Lord conversing about how, if given a hundred years, he, Satan, could infiltrate and destroy the Church founded by Christ.  (Remember, what our Lord tells us in the Bible: the gates of hell would never prevail against His church!)

Many weak-kneed Catholics have already left the one, true Church for greener pastures, being convinced that the Church is corrupt, or out of date, but that is a deception the devil uses as he did with the arch-heretic, Luther.  As "intelligent" as Luther was, he was unable(?) to separate evil men from the spotless Bride of Christ, convincing himself and others that the true church really only began in 1517!  (It should be remembered that Luther was an  Augustinian Friar -- a Catholic priest, as was Zwingli; Calvin, on the other hand, was never ordained as a Catholic priest, but still spread his heresies as did the other "reformers".) 

As has been proven time and time again, the worst offenders and enemies of the faith, are apostate Catholics, destroying their own souls as well as scandalizing others, sowing confusion and doubt among the brethren, leading to the incredible shrinking faith...

The test to see if the demon would be successful -- at least in the minds of some -- is still ongoing, though it seems that Satan has the upper hand at the present time...  

The spiritual problem for those who are truly living their faith, is to remain steadfast to the end of the current trial (chastisement), and not lose hope.  In the end, Satan's head will be crushed by the heel of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of our Lord!  That would prove that the promise of Christ was genuine, that is, if we need proof...  The extreme irony in all of this, is that Satan knows that he is going to be crushed and lose his "bet" with God almighty! 

That is the promise; that is our hope, that good will eventually triumph over evil... 

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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