Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Why Is T R E A S O N So Rampant In America??

Everywhere we turn, patriotic Americans are witnessing traitors plying their filthy, diabolical trade, to undermine our Republic and turn the United States of America into a major Stalin-like satellite of the Godless hellholes of Red Communist China and North Korea...    

If we do not learn from history, then we will surely repeat that history...

Reflect on what the old Soviet Union, Mao's China, as well as North Korea were like 60+ years ago, and compare that with those same Communist countries we're dealing with today. 

What has changed, and can we, as a nation survive the onslaught of, not only competition from those countries, but also the demonic ideology that has annihilated, or, should I say, murdered, over 100 MILLION souls? 

Will we be able to combat the near-complete infiltration of our country's institutions of higher learning by leftist renegades swallowing atheistic madness, preached as "evolution," corrupting the young minds being held captive in the classroom?

After all, if mankind "evolved" from pond scum, and God didn't form man in His own image and likeness, then we believers have been sucker-punched in the heart and soul by Marx and Darwin, with nothing to look forward to after we leave this veil of tears. 

This massive infiltration has not only infected secular society, but even more importantly, it has made incredible inroads into the Church of Christ, further weakening what still remains of the institutionalized organization we know as the Catholic Church. 

It is without a doubt that Communist and homosexuals were recruited by those who betrayed their country while in the employ of the Soviet Union, going back to the 1920s and 1930s.  We know this to be true by the sworn testimony of the likes of Bella Dodd -- a Communist who converted to the Catholic faith, the very Church she attempted to destroy, before she died.  Bella Dodd was only one of many Communists directed to recruit young men to enter the seminaries and become "priests"...

Today, we continue to see the rotten fruits of those traitors to Christ and His Bride; the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, with "priests," "bishops," "cardinals," and the current pope, empathizing more with the un-natural, rather than with the salvation of souls.  These rogue clerics are leading the multitudes straight into the fiery pit of hell itself.

With in-your-face treason in the ecclesiastical realm, is it any wonder why so many "Catholic" politicians are promoting two of the heinous sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance: abortion and homosexuality?

As I, and others have written: as the church goes, so goes society, and if those "Catholics" are more than willing to abandon their Lord, and betray His teachings, why should anyone be surprised that those same miscreants would engage in the dirty business of betraying their country to the murderous Communist regimes?   

The bottom line: will our country and our church survive this ongoing treason?  Will true patriots rise up and defend our country and our church?   Only time will tell, but that time is quickly approaching, and a choice will have to be made, lest we become slaves of the elitist and their Communist allies...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle!

Gene DeLalla

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