Thursday, June 17, 2021

Angel Mom: Biden-Backed Amnesty Plan A "Legalization Plan For Criminals"...

If anymore proof was needed to show the soulless, hard-heartedness of former vice president Biden, now holding the White House hostage by successfully pulling off a fraudulent election, with the help of uncountable criminals in high places, look no more... 

Since taking the oath of office back on January 20, 2021 -- an oath never believed in and simply ignores -- the government of the United States has become the real enemy of the people and our God-given rights.   

This miscreant continues to get away with murder.  That commonly used phrase has to be taken in the literal sense with Biden, as he is the commander-in-chief of the slaughter of pre-born babies.   In addition, his reckless -- but planned -- wide open border policies are letting real criminals and drug dealers and their filthy concoction of fentanyl-laced drugs into our sovereign country...

There is another aspect to this treason -- and that's what it is: TREASON! -- the killing and maiming of Americans by drunk, or drugged-out illegal aliens.  No state is immune to this rampage that has increased dramatically since Biden and his cabal of America haters slithered their way into office, like the snakes they are...

When duly elected, President Trump, was in office, the statistics of the perpetrators of criminal activity by illegal aliens was bad enough, due in great part, to the failed immigration policies of the Obama regime: an anti-American horror story that lasted for eight, long years, dividing our nation through race-baiting and the near-destruction of our constitutional rights.  

For example, in 2018 alone, the following, startling numbers, attributed to illegal aliens, should give pause and include:

  • 2,200 deaths.
  • 180,000 rapes or coerced sex.
  • 138,000 assaults.
  • 81,000 cases of drug smuggling.
  • 27,000 cases of human smuggling

(Statistics provided by the Washington Examiner.)

Make no mistake, those statistics will be dwarfed if Biden's policies continue unabated.  Not only that, but there will be more "Angel Moms" and "Angel Dads" grieving for their children, either being killed, wounded, or assaulted on the streets and backroads of America.

The following excerpt is from, with Angel Mom Michelle Root's testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee: "[My] 21-year-old daughter Sarah was killed in January 2016 on the night of her graduation by illegal alien Eswin Mejia...

"The man who murdered my daughter entered the country illegally. He came in as an unaccompanied minor, committed additional crimes, drove while intoxicated, smashed his truck into my daughter, and then ran away after posting a $5,000 bond. His bail was less than what it cost to bury my baby. He was never convicted. Yes, this happened during the Obama administration when the policy was to catch and release, ignore sanctuary cities, and turn a blind eye to illegal immigration in the interior of our country. Unfortunately, those failed policies are back and the Biden administration has continued to endorse the lawlessness.

"I’m here today to say that legislation rewarding illegal behavior is dangerous, and it’s a threat to our rule of law. As a parent, I sympathize with those who want a better life for their children. We would all do what it takes to give them a perfect life. However, you have to understand that rewarding illegal behavior only means we get more of it. The Dream Act, if enacted into law, would benefit people who are charged with crimes. It would legalize people in this country who have even been convicted of violent crimes."


The problem is, is that Biden and his anti-American cronies don't give a hoot about their fellow countrymen, only an agenda that will bring America down to the level of the third-world hell-hole-nations festering with disease and despair.  Further, the intent as I see it, is to build up Red China at the expense of the American populace, i.e., economically, as well as destroy whatever is left of American exceptionalism and individualism, read: freedom!

If there was ever a "president" obviously guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors, it is Biden.  There is actually evidence in the public domain for all to see and hear for themselves, such as a genuine quid-pro-quo, and more...

Pray for strength and honor -- and for some measure of justice!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro and Fr. Emil Kapaun, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle..

Gene DeLalla 

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