Friday, June 25, 2021

Former V.P., Biden, Has Nominated A Radical Population Control Monster To Head The BLM...

It's getting to the point that Biden's picks to head various federal cabinet positions are beyond the incredible.  We have already seen his anti-life puppets fill important positions that directly affect life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as described in our Declaration of Independence.  

Apparently, Biden has forgotten that foundational document that led to the founding of our nation, as we broke away from the tyrannical King of England, George III... Now, we have our own petty tyrant illicitly sitting in the Oval Office after "winning" in the fraudulent 2020 election.

As a prime -- and sad -- example, the miscreant-in-charge has nominated a radical population control monster to head the Bureau of Land Management (BLM)...

As reported in, Tracy Stone-Manning... described American children as an “environmental hazard” while advocating for slowing U.S. population growth in her 1992 graduate thesis.  

This poor excuse for a female -- let us remember that it is the glorious creation of God that a woman is the life-bearer, and not supposed to be a life-destroyer -- has written some extremely bizarre musings over the course of time... Here is a prime example from a political advertisement, she penned:  "That’s right, it’s the cute baby...We breed more than any other industrialized nation. At the same time, we suck up one-third of the world’s energy."

And this: “When we [Americans] have children, the planet feels it more. Do the truly smart thing. Stop at one or two kids."

Here's what she thinks of -- her fellow -- Americans: "The planet cannot sustain more Americans," she said of the purpose of her proposed advertising campaign.

Notice that Stone-Manning does not single-out China or India, the two most populace nations on the face of the earth.   As an aside, this is why the "Paris Climate Accords" were, and are a sham; it attacked the U.S., but exempted China and India from reducing the so-called green house gases.  

Typical of the global elitists' agenda to wipe out our economic pre-eminence on the world stage; just another way to create a false egalitarianism among the nations of the world... 

Unfortunately, there's more, but I think you get the general idea that she is advocating, for America, the dismal failure of the Red Communist Chinese one-child policy.  That policy, by the way, has now been scrapped as China continues to sink into oblivion; not enough males in relation to the female population, not to mention the primary reason for their ultimate demise: hatred of the God that made them.

We know that Biden has nominated many miscreants to fill many of his vacant cabinet positions with many Stone-Manning-types.  

But why?

I think the answer is many-fold, including the fact that Biden is, to put it mildly, an anti-Christ!  Could it be that he wants to continue to surround himself with clones that espouse the same culture of death mantra polluting the very soul of our Republic? 

Pray for strength and honor to resist -- to the face -- those who would destroy, not only the body, but also the soul...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro and Fr. Emil Kapaun, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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