Sunday, June 20, 2021

Mental Illness Infects The Extreme Left -- And That Includes The Party Of Death: The Democrats...

Who in their right mind would support or counsel the tearing apart -- limb from limb -- another human being, or chemically dissolve human flesh without giving it a second thought?  Those who commit such crimes, whether the "doctor" or the politician that supports legislation that allows such barbarity -- much worse than the ancient Aztecs ever dreamed of doing -- must be mentally ill...

It's as if the extremists have forgotten what happened during the second world war, not only the holocaust, but also the carpet bombing of such cities as Dresden, by the "allies", burning alive many innocent men, women and children who sought shelter in basements, thinking they would be safe, but they could not escape a horrible death.  

Were those bombings of civilians considered the "collateral damage" of war, or was that another example of man's inhumanity against his own brothers and sisters?  

After the war, many German and SS commanders were brought to justice at the Nuremberg Trials, with some sentenced to death, and others spending the rest of their natural lives in prison.  

A couple of paragraphs ago, I asked if the radical merchants of death in our country have forgotten what happened during WWII... I contend they have not forgotten; they just don't care.  Or, can it be, they see nothing wrong with killing the gift of life that our Lord gives us as co-creators with Him, to multiply and subdue the Earth?

Perhaps it's even worse than "they just don't care".  What if it's a diabolical plan to reduce the population of the world through abortion, contraception -- and now "vaccines"?


In a recent article on, 60 "Catholic Democrats" -- that, in my opinion, is an oxymoron! -- wrote an open letter aimed at the Catholic Bishop's conference, who -- finally! -- discussed, among other things, the question of “Eucharistic coherence” and conditions under which a Catholic should not present himself to receive Holy Communion.  

"The representatives declare that “the weaponization of the Eucharist to Democratic lawmakers for their support of a woman’s safe and legal access to abortion is contradictory.”


We hear a lot these days about "the weaponization" of the Holy Eucharist...  What exactly do those apostate Catholics mean?  Are they "concerned" that what is left of the institutionalized Church might have found a tiny amount of gumption to defend the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Lord from sacrilege and desecration by refusing the Eucharist to the radical supporters of the killing of the pre-born, as well as those same "Catholics" who openly support the sodomite agenda? 

"In their June 18 letter, the Catholic Democrats insisted they 'seek the Church’s guidance and assistance but believe also in the primacy of conscience.'

And finally, this...

“In recognizing the Church’s role in providing moral leadership, we acknowledge and accept the tension that comes with being in disagreement with the Church in some areas, they declare."

End of excerpt...

We Catholics know that the "primacy of conscience" takes a back seat to what the Church teaches on matters of faith and morals.  The conscience, therefore, must be rightly formed according to those teachings, if it is not, then we get what we see and hear: "Catholics" who think that they can support the continuing slaughter of the pre-born, as well as supporting the sodomites. 

What we are witnessing here, is the conscience of these pro-death politicians being tweaked, and they don't like it!  

And, as for the bishops... The action -- if it comes to pass -- to deny the Holy Eucharist to these "Catholic" barbarians, is long overdue, but the denial of the Eucharist is only the first step... Next, if these characters do not repent, and persist in the culture of death, then they should all be ex-communicated!  That too, is long overdue...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, and Fr. Emil Kapaun, pray for  us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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