Saturday, June 12, 2021

You Are NOT Going To Believe This One: A Mom Is Now A "BIRTHING PERSON"??

I am not making this up!  

In a recent question posed by Sen. James Lankford, R-OK, to the newly confirmed HHS Secretary (how did that happen??), pro-abortion, apostate "Catholic," Xavier Becerra, couldn't answer the simple question about the change in certain documents at HHS, now referring to moms as "birthing persons"...

This lunacy is being implemented under the radar, so to speak.  However, there are still some senators with at least a smidgeon of God-given common sense to question those who would gladly change the history of the human species with "all inclusive" words and phraseology so as not to offend the confused and demented, so-called LGBTQ crowd.  

The "Catholic" Becerra is well-known for his extreme positions and support for the killing of the pre-born for decades... 

At his confirmation hearing, the phony "Catholic" told senators that his mother -- that's right, his MOM, not "birthing person" -- often prayed the Rosary, and said special prayers that he would be confirmed.

I'm sure that she knows her son's position on such crucial life matters. So I have to wonder what planet Mrs. Becerra is from??  As far as I know, Christ walked the Earth, not Mars or Jupiter, and His teachings were quite clear, thank you.

Has Mrs. Becerra, a Catholic, ever heard of the Ten Commandments?  How about the one that says: thou shalt not kill?  That includes pre-born babies, Mrs. Becerra.  Apparently, your wonderful son never heard of that one either...

Let me explain something here... What we are witnessing here in the U.S., as well in many Western nations, that have a substantial Catholic population, is a massive "silent" apostacy and open rebellion against Church teachings that have been handed down to us for 2,000 years.  The Deposit of Faith has been trashed for decades, by the modernists that have come out of the woodwork (read: infiltrated) to infect and destroy Holy Mother Church from within.  This is nothing new, as Pope SAINT Pius X condemned modernism as the synthesis of all heresies!  

We are reaping the rotten fruits of the modernists and Communists that hold high offices in the church, leading astray millions of Catholics straight into hell itself...

The Protestant Revolt, not "reformation," is chump-change compared to the revolt of the majority of novus ordo "Catholics" sitting in the pew at Sunday Mass, that is, if they still go to Mass, with nearly 70 percent!!! no longer believing in the Real Presence of our Lord and Savior, Jesus...

Our Lord asked this question in Scripture: "... Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?" (St. Luke 18:8, King James Version.)

Will He??

Pray for strength and honor to defend your families!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



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