Tuesday, June 15, 2021

The FBI And Other "Intelligence" Agencies, Are Warning About Potential Violence From Q-Anon. So, What's New?

Potential violence from Q-anon?  

If the FBI and others are looking for extremists and their penchant for violence, look no further than Portland, OR, Seattle, WA, Baltimore or New York City...

Why is it that those insurrectionists get away with bloody murder -- literally! -- in those, and other cities, while the powers that be, issue warnings of potential violent acts from the "Q"?  

Why is the FBI, the department of Homeland Security, the ATF, and other bloated bureaucracies, so "concerned" about non-existent violence from a shadow group, when ongoing violence is staring them right in the face? 

Could such warnings simply be a distraction; a cause celeb, instead of going after the real law-breakers?   Why are the real instigators of the mayhem -- the Communists -- allowed to continue almost completely immune from arrest and prosecution?  Not to mention the destruction and loss of human life, both black and white, that has persisted over the last year or more...

Is that distraction being used in order to cover-up their dismal failures in stopping the lawlessness in the above mentioned cities? 

What is behind their lack of enforcing laws that protect the commonweal?  Can political correctness (read: pressure from above...) be the driving force, or plain malfeasance of office?  In any case, the facts speak for themselves: the violence continues.  But you would never know that, if you continually watch the mainstream media, or read the New York Times, et al...

Of course, the overall goal of those in power, is not to resolve the lawlessness and bring to justice the bad guys, instead it is to focus on race-baiting and division among the populace.  

Further, if the "deep state" is successful, then the next step is another assault upon our God-given Constitutional rights -- especially the Second Amendment -- eventual martial law, "re-education camps" and enslavement!  

This is not hyperbole, but reality as I see it unfolding with each passing day.  In short, it is history repeating itself...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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