Sunday, June 6, 2021

June 6th, 1944: D-Day, And The Beginning Of The End Of Hitler And His Demonic Third Reich...

To be honest, I almost forgot about the anniversary of the beginning of the end of Hitler's Third Reich: D-Day: the storming of the beaches of Normandy. 

At least 160,000 allied troops stormed those Normandy beaches.

As the doors of the amphibious vehicles were lowered, German machine-gunners opened-up with withering fire, mowing down our men as they hit the cold waters of the North Atlantic, many died before their boots had a chance to reach terra-firma.

The scene, as depicted in actual combat film footage, as well as memories as fresh as if it were yesterday, described a scene of death and mayhem that changed the color of the sandy beaches to a purple/red hue streaming from the lifeblood of our soldiers, sailors and Marines...

I wonder how many folks even think about "D-Day," or its importance to our present existence in this crazy mixed-up world?

If anyone wants to get a dose of reality, Google Arlington National Cemetery, and see the uncountable crosses and tombstones as far as the eye can see.

Regardless of what ideology one holds, if there is still some grey matter upstairs, one will have to admit that freedom isn't free, and comes with an enormous cost of blood and treasure.

Though this momentous and costly event took place seventy-seven-years ago, there are still some World Word Two, D-Day veterans still around, including children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.  

I would imagine, that over the years, family or friends have attempted to pry the gory, painful details of seeing a G.I. buddy get wounded or killed, but with little or no success.  There is a lesson to be learned here: some things cannot, or should not, be recollected, or put into words.  

I salute those who went before me... I hope someday that someone might make a tiny sacrifice of taking a minute or two to salute me after I join my brothers-in-arms, when our Lord calls me home...

Please pray for all our fallen brothers on this June 6, 2021...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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