Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Serving God And Satan -- At The Same Time? IMPOSSIBLE!


Serving God And Satan -- At The Same Time?  IMPOSSIBLE!

 Can we serve both God and Satan -- the father of lies; of Communism -- at the same time? 

To do so would be a spiritual impossibility.

Yet, we can see and hear the Communists on a daily basis, continuing to spread their deadly, anti-Christ message, coming, not only from the secular humanists, but even more incredibly from church officials; that is, those who are supposed to be our shepherds: priests, bishops, cardinals -- and the pope...

Anyone can count on their two hands, the number of faithful bishops that are trying to stand fast against the rogue, faithless, evil men who wear the Roman collar.

The reasons for the tumultuous madness we see on a daily basis in many of our major cities falls on the shoulders of all those who have rejected God in favor of the Ape of the Church, Satan, and his many legions.

The message of the Communists is not only anti-Christ, it is also necessarily, anti-life.  Satan hates life and he hates the family that loves life and co-creates with God to bring new life into the world, to fulfill the command of God to multiply, and subdue the earth.  This command contradicts the selfish, godless proponents of depopulation.  Such useful idiots serve the demon, not their Creator.

In further incredulity, those who propose to reduce the population through untested vaccines, or other ruthless, filthy methods, have been named to various positions serving on "advisory boards" within the Vatican.  These "boards" are composed of some of the most well-known leftist, pro-Communist, pro-abortion activists; pro-contraception lunatics, such as Sachs, Clinton and other haters of life.  Also on these boards, are cardinals that are traitors to their ministry -- and to Christ.

When traitors do their dirty deed, there are always victims, not just the souls of the traitors themselves, but also those they influence by their lies and deception.  That is what we see both in secular society and within the church; or at least what the world understands what the Catholic Church is these days...

What can we do?  And how do we fight the traitors to the faith?

Frist, we resist to the face, those hypocrite shepherds who care nothing for their flocks, but only for their passions and their pensions.  Second, pray for strength and honor for what might be the next act in this diabolical play.

Thirdly, and most importantly, never despair. To do so would be to commit one of the great sins against the virtue of Hope!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla



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