Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Reign Of Terror: 1793-1794? Yes, But It Is Being Repeated Here, in 2021, In The United States Of America!

 Perhaps the title of this article is a little over the top?  

If we analyze what is happening here, in the land of our birth, I think we can readily see what the results are of a Godless society, running headlong into the eternal, fiery abyss of hell.  So, no, the title of my article is not "over the top"...

Whether Catholic or non-Catholic, the particulars of what is discussed in this video is pertinent to all God-fearing, patriotic Americans...

The video is from a 2015, Catholic conference, and I contend that circumstances are much worse today, in 2021.

Evil Empire: Why American Catholics Must Oppose the State

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