Sunday, June 13, 2021

What Has Happened To The Catholic Faith In Ireland??

 Saint Patrick, born in Britannia (U.K.) in 387 AD and went to his heavenly reward in 461 AD, dying in Saul (U.K.).  (Some writers say his death was around 492 or 493 AD, if so, that would make his age over 100 years.)

Let us remember that it was the great Saint Patrick that went from being sold into slavery as a youth, to becoming a Catholic Bishop that converted the entire pagan population to Christ.


Ireland needs to have St. Patrick return to rid his beloved land of the demons that have infected the "Catholic" population who have gone absolutely mad by voting in favor of killing the pre-born!

The vote that took place in 2018, wasn't even close... To put it mildly, it was a landslide, with between 60 and 85 percent, depending on the location of the constituency.  Only one constituency, Donegal, did the majority of nearly 52 percent, vote "NO".  

Of course, those "Catholics" who voted for murdering the defenseless, innocent, pre-born babies, were apostates who long ago abandoned their precious faith, and capitulated to the father of lies, Satan and his filthy minions.

But it gets even worse, if that's possible, after all, what could be worse than murdering the pre-born, one of the sins that cries to Heaven for vengeance?

Let us add this abomination... In 2015, Ireland became the first country to "legalize" homosexual "marriage"!  

That snowball effect started rolling down hill, and quickly became an unstoppable juggernaut with other nations -- including the U.S. of A.  Jumping on the bandwagon of the sodomite agenda, the Supreme Court ruling: Obergefell v Hodges, on June 26, 2015, made homosexual "marriage" "legal" nationwide.

The following is an excerpt from The Observer (Ireland): "Some 62% of the Irish Republic’s electorate voted in favor of gay marriage. The result means that a republic once dominated by the Catholic church ignored the instructions of its cardinals and bishops. The huge Yes vote marks another milestone in Ireland’s journey towards a more liberal, secular society."

And now we get to the crux of the matter, and the real cause of the return to Ireland's pagan past: bishops, cardinals and priests, who gave up their mandate to preach the uncompromised truth to all nations, regardless of the personal consequences they might suffer.  Such weakness has been accelerated ever since the diabolical Second Vatican Council that saw literally tens of thousands of religious and clergy leave their vocations in order "to find themselves."  What satanic drivel. 

The damage has been done. 

It is uncertain if Ireland, the U.S., or any other Western -- formerly Christian -- nation will return to Christ. 

Saint Patrick, pray for us.

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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