Friday, June 11, 2021

Theater Or Reality, You Decide...

Let me say at the outset, I take no pleasure in writing this article.  It pains me to have to witness, almost on a daily basis, the denial of the teachings of Christ, our Lord, and His holy Church.  This evil is being perpetrated on the average, unsuspecting Catholic in the pew by the so-called successors of the Apostles.

It should also be noted, that, for the most part, the novus ordo concoction is quickly dying on the vine.  If that is the case, and I believe it is, that could very well be the reason for the ongoing attacks on the Traditional Latin Mass, and traditional communities flourishing across our country and around the world.  The modernists can't take it!  They see the handwriting on the wall of the demise of their scheme, hatched many decades ago, to destroy the very faith and church that our Lord suffered and died for to establish.  Right now, however, it seems that modernism is winning, but that is only an illusion, and the bad guys know it...


Even though I am trying to be a practicing, Latin Rite Catholic, but still a sinner in many ways, I can't help but looking at what is going on in the institutionalized Catholic Church. The one that gets all the publicity; I wonder if I'm watching a "B" movie, written and directed by 12-year-olds, or, perhaps, are there two Catholic Churches: one that has capitulated to the "spirit of the age," and the authentic Catholic Church that has entered into the catacombs for a second time?  If I had my head buried in the sand, like an ostrich, and not paid attention to the blasphemies and sacrileges emanating from Roman and the U.S. clergy, almost on a daily basis, as well as from those silly and unnecessary bishops synods, I would have to ask: "What do you mean?  There is only one Catholic Church, not two!"

I agree; there is only One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, but that's where our agreement ends.

What we are dealing with is a false "Catholic" Church, being run by the majority of the hierarchy, like an organized crime syndicate, spewing its filth on an unsuspecting flock, hitting them with lies, heresies, unnatural sexual promiscuity -- including the support of rampant homosexuality.   Plus, the outright denial of what the Magisterium actually teaches.   It is a fact that many of the clergy, not only priests, but especially bishops, were, and still are involved in a massive coverup of their predator underlings, cardinals and popes -- especially the conciliar- and post-conciliar popes.

How can anyone believe and accept, from one day to the next, the contradictory nonsensical statements coming directly from the mouth of the pope, and his heirlings.  This is causing scandal and confusion, not only for Catholics, but also for others who might be entertaining the thought of coming into the Church, the one Ark of Salvation, but have since changed their mind.  

The question of "unity" comes up every time there is a legitimate criticism of the shenanigans that true Catholics have to deal with from the institutionalized, novus ordo Church.  How can there be "unity" between God and His Elect, and Satan?   That is a spiritual impossibility.  Yet, we are supposed to keep our mouth's shut?  I think not... I figure, that at our Particular Judgment, our Lord will ask us, at the very least:  "Why didn't you resist to the face, the evil One and his minions, attempting to suffocate and cut off the very life-blood of My church -- by the profaning of the Holy Eucharist?"    

How would you or I answer that question coming from the mind and heart of Jesus Christ, our Savior?   Knowing that there will be no one else to stand up for us (except His most Blessed Mother, that is, if we adhered to what the Church taught while we were on Earth!).  If, on the other hand, we responded to our Lord with something like: "Dear Lord, I let my conscience be my guide, and made my decision coming from a purely natural point of view, without any consideration of the sanctifying, supernatural graces available in my decision-making process."  Don't you think we might have a heavy price to pay for our inexcusable ignorance??   The answer to that question is obvious; at least it should be...

Pray for discernment -- our eternal lives depend on it!  Pray for strength and honor, too!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for  us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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