Tuesday, June 22, 2021

"Unity": The Truth Finally Comes Out From The Apostate "Bishops"!

First, let me state a fact of spiritual life: it is we Catholics that have the most personal of all relationships with Christ, not Protestants who claim as much...  (That, by the way, is our duty to bring the truth to Protestants and other non-Catholics, and to be the instrument of their conversion to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, founded by Christ, our Savior, in 33 A.D.)

How can I be so very sure of what I just wrote?  Easy... It is Catholics that receive the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ in the Holy Eucharist at the celebration of Mass.  It is called the Real Presence and it is the Real Presence that was denied by the "reformers" in the early 16th Century, leading to heresy and apostacy on a massive scale...  What occurred because of that, was the imprisonment and gruesome deaths of many Catholics, both lay and clergy, who remained steadfast to the faith, as did the early Catholic/Christians who suffered martyrdom under the pagan Roman Emperors.


Fast forward to the present, and we see the Holy Eucharist being sacrilegiously received, and at the same time, the Real Presence being denied by the majority of "Catholics" who attend the novus ordo (concocted by a rogue "archbishop", Bugnini).  This is the same character, whom it is said, was closely associated with freemasonry, and the central architect of the new, Protestantized "mass." 

The second "great" revolt against the true Church of Christ, was instigated at the Second Vatican Council and the rotten fruits it produced -- some called those fruits, timebombs! -- that has led to the present apostacy we see infecting the faithful, or what is left of the faithful...  

I have no great love for the former pope, John Paul II -- as he was one of the reasons for the current loss of faith, not only among the laity, but also among a majority of the clergy -- but he, himself, coined the phrase: the silent apostacy, that he saw and witnessed gaining more and more of a foothold during his pontificate.  Truth be told, it didn't start with JPII, but began many years even before the reign of Pope Saint Pius X... It was this good Pope who recognized and condemned modernism as the synthesis of all heresies.    

With the father of lies, Satan, having a firm hold on what passes for a good portion of the priesthood -- and that includes the rank of bishop, cardinal, up to and including even popes, we see the results of that second revolution with sacrilege upon sacrilege being committed every time apostate, unrepentant "Catholics" go up to the communion rail, that is, if there is a communion rail; in many churches the communion rail is long gone... The very idea of kneeling to receive our Lord, the Creator of the universe, has been downplayed or completely eliminated. 

What logically follows is that if the communion rail is gone, then one has to receive the Eucharist standing -- that's one insult.  Then, if the Eucharist is received in the hand, instead of on the tongue, that's another insult to Christ.  It is also a sacrilege for unconsecrated hands of the laity to touch the Sacred Host!  But another sacrilege is committed by those who claim to be practicing Catholics, while, at the same time, support, procure, or actually perform the heinous procedure known as abortion, or support same-sex "marriage".  Far too many politicians fall into these categories...

That brings me to thepresent situation the Church finds itself in concerning the "debate"; the "issue," that the Catholic bishops are "struggling" with: should a pro-death "Catholic" politician be denied the Holy Eucharist when he or she goes up to the communion rail to receive our Lord?   

To any faithful Catholic, who knows his faith, the answer is simple, so simple, in fact, that a child, who has reached the age of reason, could readily come up with the correct answer: NO!  But the bishops seem to think that denial would create a deeper rift in the church, and that the Holy Eucharist should not be used as a "weapon" to punish an obstinate, public sinner.  According to them, unity is so important, that the duty -- the obligation -- to admonish the public sinner falls by the wayside.  Therefore, sacrilegious reception of the Holy Eucharist continues unabated, adding more mortal sins to the souls of those who receive our Lord in such a state, and to those who present the Eucharist to a known pro-death politician... 

Are those bishops for real, or are they actors in some diabolical play?  

Pray for strength and honor -- and discernment!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro and Fr. Emil Kapaun, pray for us!

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



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