Thursday, June 3, 2021

CONFIRMED! The Traditional Latin Mass Will End Under New Directives Coming From The Vatican... Or Will It?

The extreme modernists that have infiltrated and nearly suffocated the Church, are now planning the total destruction of the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) under new directives that have been drafted by the cabal of tradition-haters, that may be released as early as July... (see my previous article here: Is The Last Nail About To Be Pounded Into The Coffin Of The Traditional Latin Mass?)

Now, the snowball rolling down hill is picking up speed, and will soon morph into an avalanche, destroying everything in its path, including faithful Catholics attached to the ancient Mass of all time: the TLM...

New information has just come under scrutiny that Francis has appointed TLM-haters to positions of power that will be responsible for devising a diabolical plan to at least limit, if not destroy the Mass that has produced uncountable saints and martyrs over the last 2,000 years...

Why would there be such antagonism for the TLM?  The answer can be simple or complex; the simple answer is that there is a choice -- by use of the free-will that even God almighty will not interfere with -- to serve Christ, their true Master, or the demon.  

Supposedly, priestly societies that have the permission to perform the TLM itself will be able to continue do so, but, on the other hand, other diocesan  priests who want to begin saying the traditional liturgy (TLM) will have to beg permission to do so.  And, according to the new information just uncovered, that permission will have to come from Rome!

A question: what if the local ordinary (bishop) of a diocese is of a liberal bent, and only allowed the TLM in his diocese because of Pope Benedict XVI's Summorum Pontificum, allowing any priest to perform the TLM without the permission of his bishop?  Maybe that's one reason there is a good deal of dislike for the TLM by some (many?) bishops?

So, it is possible that the bishop can arbitrarily, shut down the TLM.

It can happen, but will it?

Also, I would think the bishop would keep in mind that it is not just the TLM that is so attractive to many young and growing families, it is the traditional teachings of the faith being taught from the pulpit -- in most cases, that is.  In addition, if a bishop does shut down the TLM community, it would be akin to the bishop cutting off his nose to spite his face, as the monies collected at those TLM Masses are a growing source of revenue for the diocese.

In conclusion... why is it that the modernists despise the TLM and the traditional faith that is being instilled in the hearts and minds of those who attend the TLM?  Could it be that they see the "handwriting on the wall," in other words, they realize that the novus ordo is dying a slow -- in some areas of the world -- a quick death?  And, that the days are quickly approaching when they will have to "pay the piper" for serving their master, Satan?

We have seen far too many examples of the influence of the smoke of Satan entering the church -- as even the weak-minded Pope Paul VI remarked -- allowing the dreadful, Protestantized "mass" concocted by Bugnini, and promulgated by that very same Paul VI in  1970, shocking the Catholic and even the non-Catholic world!

No matter what happens, the TLM will never die!

God help us!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in  battle...

Gene DeLalla  


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