Thursday, May 27, 2021

Is The Last Nail About To Be Pounded Into The Coffin Of The Traditional Latin Mass?

In a previous article, I hinted that the powers that be could be planning to infringe upon the ancient Mass of all times; the Mass that produced countless martyrs and saints down through the centuries.

The Traditional Latin Mass continues to come under attack from a most dubious source: from the very Chair of St. Peter and his unholy cabal of the haters of Tradition; a tradition handed down from Christ and reinforced by the blood of the Apostles and their brave disciples, as they fulfilled the command of our Lord to preach the Gospel to all nations.  That command included the baptizing of those believers in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost... It seems that that command has fallen on deaf ears of the current hierarchy, more concerned with "climate change" and other social issues, rather than on the salvation of souls -- the primary mission of the Church.

Today is May 27, 2021, and, as of a couple of days ago, more distressing news has leaked out about the possible abrogation of the Traditional Latin Mass, or at least a radical transformation of that time-honored, sublime Mass, into something unrecognizable to faithful Catholics.   

The timetable for such a blasphemy could be as early as this July, or shortly thereafter.

We shouldn't be surprised at this diabolical development, as the current pope has clearly stated that he laments the fact that more and more young families are attracted to the TLM. All the while, most novus ordo parishes are seeing dwindling attendance and fewer dollars in the collection plates...

So, what is attracting more and more faithful Catholics to the TLM?  It is not "only" the sublimity of the Mass, but it is also the fact that the law of praying is the law of believing.  

What does that mean?

It means that the precepts, dogmas, and perennial doctrine of the Church on faith and morals are believed and faithfully preached from the pulpit.  It means that the Holy Eucharist is treated reverently and presented to the faithful on the tongue while kneeing at the communion rail.  It also means evangelizing those outside the Church to enter the one Ark of Salvation in order to enter a state of grace in order to be saved.

It means that if the TLM is somehow betrayed by the Judas's in the Vatican, the Elect might have to revert to the catacombs once again, as the early saints and martyrs had to do during the heinous persecution of the godless Roman Emperors.  Only in the present day, it is by a godless hierarchy...

So be it...

We'll have to wait and see what transpires in the coming months... In the meantime, continue to pray for strength and honor, to resist to the face, those enemies within the Church...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, pray defend us in battle! 

Gene DeLalla




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