Monday, May 10, 2021

Fathers And Their Little Daughters Wearing Face-Diapers...

 Sometimes, when my wife goes into one of the local supermarkets, I'll sit in the car observing people as they walk from their cars to the market, or as they come out of the market to bring their purchased goods to their cars...

In this age of fear and trepidation regarding the overblown, nonsensical, non-pandemic of the so-called covid virus, it is interesting -- or should I say, sad? -- to see fathers leading their little daughters by the hand from their vehicles to the store and back again, both wearing face-diapers.  

This is sickening at the very least! 

Here is why such stupidity also borders on child-abuse: the minds of these little, impressionable girls (and boys), must think that something is wrong when they can no longer see their friend's faces or not completely understand what they are saying because of the diaper covering their mouths and noses.  In addition, such a scandalous scenario must, by its very nature, instill a fear of their little buddies, not being allowed to hug them or even be near them -- social distancing, you know! -- thinking that they could become sick and die, because of a flu-type bug that has an almost 99 percent recovery rate for nearly all age brackets!

What is really the saddest element in this whole -- false -- narrative?  The almost non-existent manhood of these fathers!  Where is their bravery?  They should be willing to defend and sacrifice for their little girls to counter the lunacy that permeates the society that surrounds them.  But no, they blindly follow the dictates of the government and medical "authorities," demanding that they wear face-diapers and stay six-feet away from everyone else, without even questioning, or doing their own research that is available to easily destroy the lies being broadcast day after day by the likes of the pro-abortion, apostate Catholic, "Dr." Fauci, or other life- and family-haters.

I wonder what reason those fathers give their little girls as to why they have to wear a face-diaper?  What possible explanation would suffice to make their little minds understand the (false) reasons for adhering to such un-lawful, freedom-robbing dictates from smaller minds than theirs?

Mother's Day was just celebrated to recognize the dignity and beauty of motherhood...

What part do the mothers of these little girls (and boys) play in this atmosphere of surrendering our freedoms for some sense of so-called physical health and security?  From my observation, sitting in my car, in the parking lot, I can tell you that I can see these moms holding the hands of their little girls and boys, all wearing face-diapers -- just like the fathers do...

So very sad...

Pray for strength and honor to resist the tyrants!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla 


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