Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Christ Or Chaos: Attacks On God, The Family, The Pre-Born And The Authentic Catholic Church...

 If we take a look around us, it would seem that with all that is wrong, or evil and un-natural, it would make one believe that the End Times are quickly approaching; that Christ, our Lord, will shortly come back to set things straight and separate the wheat from the chaff; the sheep from the goats...

We, as faithful Catholics, and others who claim to fear God, have recognized at least several enemies of the virtues of faith, hope and charity.  The goal of these enemies is to cause fear, division, confusion and doubt that God is, and that, even though it seems the world around us is crumbling like a house of cards, He, ultimately, is in control of events and His Elect; the Remnant...

Of course, one of the main targets of the enemy of the human race (the devil) is the family.  Satan hates new life, and the parents who are faithful in their duties to nurture and educate their offspring in the ways of the divinely revealed laws of Christ, His Father, and the Holy Ghost through His authentic Catholic Church -- whose main task is the salvation of souls, not "climate change," or its brother-god, the environment!

Unfortunately, one of the sources of the diabolical scheme to elevate "mother earth" to be equal in importance to God -- the Creator of our Earth -- is emanating from Rome!  With all that has happened over the last two or three years regarding idolatry, and earth-worship, it is difficult to give the benefit of the doubt of what the real intentions are of those who foster this horrendous violation of the First Commandment.

So, who is in-charge of these scandalous acts of blasphemy?  

There seems to be a cabal of leftist ideologues that have infiltrated the hierarchy, hell-bent on transforming the authentic Catholic Church into something unrecognizable; something other than what our Lord intended -- or, should I say, commanded it to be? 

It also seems that the "progressives" (in the church) have capitulated to the enemies of the Church by ingesting the false idea that the Church must be brought up to conform to the spirit of the age.  Does this sound familiar?  It should, for any student of church history...

If all this sounds too negative, I admit that it is, but the devil must be given his due, as he has pulled-off one heck of an operation to weaken the faith of those marginally Catholic.  Further, such madness of "earth-worship" and other scandals such as adolescent abuse and rampant homosexuality, have caused many considering coming into the Church -- the one Ark of Salvation -- to change their minds.  The main problem with that, is that they are losing the one opportunity to obtain the sanctifying grace necessary to save their souls and be saved.  

As I have written several times in previous articles, Christ -- the pure, perfect Head of the Church -- cannot have a gangrenous, decaying body.  That is a spiritual impossibility!  But that is exactly the lie that Luther and his fellow apostates used as an excuse to bolt from the bosom of Holy Mother Church.  Whether he knowingly or unknowingly, failed to separate the rotten clergy from the Spotless Bride of Christ!  If he did know exactly what he was doing, then his sin was even more damning...  

As President Truman once quipped: The buck stops here -- at my desk!

I will leave it up to my readers to come to their own conclusion on whose desk the present "buck" should be found...

Resist!  And pray for strength and honor!  St. Michael defend us in battle.

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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