Friday, May 28, 2021

Have You Been "Ecologically Converted"?


I am not being flippant: I am asking a serious question!

Over the last few years, we have been exposed to some of the most blasphemous nonsense coming from the seat of Catholicism: Rome (the Vatican), in the form of the Pachamama earth-worship cult, still being fostered on a dumbed-down, lackadaisical and poorly catechized Catholic population...

It appears that the command given by our Lord to preach the Gospel to all nations, and to baptize in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, has now been relegated and made subservient to the new priority of "ecological conversion".

Remember some years back, when that evil woman, Hillary Clinton, spewed the lunacy that it takes a village to raise a child?   (The implication is that the parents are not capable, nor do they have an absolute right to rear and educate their precious offspring.)   This insult to the Natural Law has now reared its ugly head once again, only this time, we are being hammered with guilt about how we have mistreated "mother earth," and that we'll soon reap the consequences of our abuse, that is, if we don't "confess" and "repent" of the "ecological sins" we have "committed"! 

If this apostacy wasn't so diabolical, it would truly be laughable...

Is this drivel, this madness, the "new normal" for the new order "Catholic" Church?  Perhaps, but this craziness is absolutely meaningless to those who hold to the authentic teachings of Holy Mother Church and the Traditions handed down by the Apostles and their legitimate successors...  

Sure, we have to be good stewards of God's creation, but to place the creation above the Creator is, without a doubt, idolatry!

So, pope Francis concocted and issued some ridiculous ecological blather right around the same time as the celebration of the most important feast of the Church: Pentecost.  The Holy Ghost, the Paraclete, promised by Christ, came down from Heaven on that momentous day and descended upon the Apostles and the fledgling church, to strengthen and invigorate His disciples to preach the Gospel to all nations...

And, today?  We have a very bizarre form of apostacy sweeping through the ranks of the hierarchy, trickling down to the dwindling faithful sitting in half-empty pews waiting to hear the truths embodied in the Deposit of Faith, but instead, get fed only the lies of the father of lies, Satan...

Pray for strength and honor to face what is coming down the road.  Never lose sight of our Savior!  Never fear!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel pray for us!

Gene DeLalla 


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