Thursday, May 20, 2021

C L I M A T E Lockdowns Coming??

The horror of the recent lockdowns due to the covid virus (the political and medical tyrants told us it was for our own good!) is still fresh in our minds.  And it should be, as that draconian and unnecessary action caused more harm than the so-called virus itself, with isolation leading to deep depression, all the way to the point of despair and eventual suicide that skyrocketed over the last year.  

There's a lot of talk these days about reparations because some of our Founders might have had slaves, or indentured servants working their properties, but I contend that the real "slave owners" are the current-day Demonrat governors Gretchen Whitmer and Gavin Newsome of Michigan and California respectively, keeping their citizens in almost permanent lockdowns, supposedly to slow the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus.  (A phony pandemic cannot be used to suspend our God-given, Constitutionally protected rights, especially freedom of movement, and to worship in our churches.)

This is pure madness, and I suspect there might be some iota of mental illness festering in those two characters!  

Hundreds of thousands of small businesses were destroyed, simply closed, or went into bankruptcy, unable to meet rent or payroll.  Those "mom and pop" establishments were the dream of those entrepreneurs who saved all their lives to make that dream come true, only to see their lives ruined by uncaring, un-Godly bureaucrats under the thumb of the enemy of the human race; the devil and his minions...

If this situation wasn't bad enough, there is now an insidious, covert and stealth initiative being developed using the big media guns to keep the dumbed-down populace from getting a grip on what might be coming down the road: CLIMATE lockdowns!

It seems that the "climate change" loonies are using statistics that showed a "big" drop in emissions when travel, and movement in general, were severely curtailed due to the hoax-virus.  Now, they see a grand opportunity to implement the next phase which is to de-populate the earth.  And that's exactly what this evil is really all about: reduce the number of people inhabiting the earth to less than a billion world-wide!  That would mean killing-off over six billion human beings in order to fulfill the dictates of the father of lies -- and their father, Satan...

Do you think that the chemical-laden "vaccines" being pushed on a brain-washed citizenry might be part of that murderous effort??

If what I have just written seems extreme, just read or listen to these maniacs spew their lies through the mainstream media, warning that the Earth has less than a dozen years before we're all doomed because of "climate change," if we don't radically change the way we live, work and travel...

It's not just those in the secular realm that are pushing this deadly nonsense, it is also coming from -- what I would think, as a Catholic -- an unlikely source: The Pope.  Yes, Bergoglio, too, is a puppet being manipulated by the globalists, and aligns himself with those who foster abortion -- regardless of his throwing faithful Catholics a crumb or two of condemnation regarding this deadly subject -- contraception, depopulation, illegal alien migration across borders of sovereign nations and the (non-existent) climate change!

As proof of Bergoglio's radical stance on "climate change," here is an excerpt from an article posted on, May 20, 2021...

 Biden administration climate czar John Kerry met with Pope Francis in a private audience last weekend, lauding the pontiff as “one of, if not the ... most powerful voices” on “climate change” ideology.

“Well, the pope is one of the great voices of reason and compelling moral authority on the subject of the climate crisis,” Kerry said in an interview with Vatican News after his audience. He added that Francis’s “voice will be a very important voice leading up to and through” the upcoming U.N. climate summit in Glasgow this year, which Kerry said he believes the Pope “intends to attend.”

End of excerpt...

A monstrous scandal if there ever was one!

What can we do as concerned Americans to counter these anti-Christs?  First, pray, but also write or use whatever talents that our Lord has given you and I to resist these maniacs to their faces!  Contact and support our elected representatives who share our beliefs, especially that God will not be mocked, and, that He will have His justice!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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