Monday, May 31, 2021

The "Recovation" Of The Blessed Virgin Mary, MOTHER Of Christ -- Directed By SATAN!!

 "Now there stood by the cross of Jesus His mother, and His mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Cleopas, and Mary Magdalene.  When Jesus therefore saw His mother, and the disciple whom He loved standing by, He said to His mother, “ Woman, behold your son! ” Then He said to the disciple, “Behold your mother!" (St. John, 19:25-27, King James Version.)

Just before our Lord breathed His last breath, when dying on the Cross, the above words were spoken... (St. John was the only Apostle that did not run away from the Jews or the Romans.)... 

The words of Christ, our Lord, demands that all Catholics -- in fact, ALL Christians of every stripe, must -- must! -- venerate the Mother of Christ (God!).  There is no wiggle room here!

The modernists; the godless have nearly destroyed the veneration due to the Blessed Mother of God! 

Think about this on human, more secular terms... I would presume that all of my readers have love for, and veneration of their earthly mothers.  Right?  If not, get your act together and convert your hearts and minds back to your obligation to take good care of your mothers (and fathers), especially in their old age! 

Such obligation is not a suggestion from me, it is demanded by the tenets of the Natural Law, and the Ten Commandments of God almighty: Honor thy father and thy mother!

Disregard this Commandment, and suffer the consequences at your Particular Judgment... Such is the weight of the obligation to venerate and care for your parents...

How much more do we -- or should we -- have veneration of the Blessed Mother of Christ, our Lord?  If any Protestant truly believes that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, you must acknowledge that He was in His Mother's womb for nine months; fed by the blood coursing through her veins to His body, just as any normal human baby.  This is a biological fact of life... 

Know, that the Blessed Mother of Christ is the most perfect of all God's creation; of all creatures ever to come from the mind of God.

The question of, when did the veneration of the Blessed Mother begin to diminish, and, in some cases, cease completely?  Speaking from experience, I can write that just as the Second Vatican Council was at its end (October, 1965), the sodalities of Our Lady began to dissolve -- as the recovation of some of the most beautiful churches across the globe also began. 


I think not.  

Satan, the father of lies, murder and deceit, does nothing by happenstance, but by design.  That damned, filthy liar was, and still is, behind the modernists' attack on the true Church of Christ and His most Blessed Mother.  However, he, Satan, knows that in the end, his head will be crushed by the heel of the Blessed Virgin Mary!  I wonder how that makes the evil one feel, knowing that a WOMAN will cast him into hell forever??

I can't wait!

Pray that the enemies within the true Church have a conversion of heart, or, if not, then for their complete and total defeat...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us!

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in the battle that is to come!

Gene DeLalla


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