Sunday, May 30, 2021

The In-Your-Face Sexual Predator, Biden, "President" Of The United States...

Is it really possible that a president of the United States is an active, in-your-face sexual predator?

It is not only possible, it is happening right before our eyes!  

If you believe that someone can inherit a physical, genetic defect from his or her parents, you've guessed right.  But can a son or daughter inherit sexual predation, too?

I don't know if that is possible, yet it seems that a particular parent -- a father -- is demonstrating to the world that he, is, in fact, an active sexual predator, and he is sitting in the Oval Office as I write this.  Could it be that this -- ongoing -- dysfunction was passed down to his drug-slave son, Robert Hunter??

Not only is this miscreant, Biden, mentally impaired, he continues his creepy, filthy, physical assaults on children, adolescents, and married women, right smack on camera for all to see.   

Where are the outcries from the mainstream media?  Where are the calls from the radical feminists and law-enforcement officials to drag this rogue predator into court and eventually behind bars?  I'm afraid that our beloved country is so corrupt -- and dysfunctional itself -- that such justice will most likely never come for Biden and his equally -- or more -- corrupt son, Hunter.

I can assure my readers that if a conservative Republican was seen or caught fondling a married woman, -- or worse, a child -- live, on air, he would be tarred and feathered in a New York minute, brought up on sexual assault charges and removed from office in a heartbeat!

Is there any integrity left at the "department of justice"?  Why can't they take the available evidence -- that is in the public domain -- and prosecute this child abuser?   What are they so afraid of?

I ask that question rhetorically, of course, as I realize that if anyone dared to fulfill the duties of their office, and corral Biden and Hunter, they would end up on the street, or, found dead.  Cause of death: by "suicide"

We must all keep in mind, that this sick, immoral, mentally compromised predator has his finger on the nuclear button!  Remember that, every time you see or hear Biden open his filthy mouth, filled with sexual innuendo...

It is said that we get what we deserve, and that is exactly what is happening.  Our good God will allow our hearts desire, and if we desire to kick Him out of our lives, He will allow evil to fill that massive void.  It has happened before and will happen again, that is, if we don't convert our hearts, minds, and souls and recognize that we can do nothing good or praiseworthy, without our Lord, Jesus...

He has given His creatures the power to co-create with Him, yet we destroy His gift of life by the "legal" killing of the pre-born.  If we, as a society, can justify those heinous sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance, including openly performing homosexual "marriages," then we can expect the JUSTICE of God's wrath to come down on us like an unleashed Sword of Damocles...

Whether we like it or not, Christ has commanded that we pray for our enemies, so we must pray for Biden and his family that they return to a state of sanctifying grace for the good of their immortal souls.  If we fail at this command, we will have disobeyed the second great Commandment to Love thy neighbor...

May God have mercy on our country...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in the battle that is to come..

Gene DeLalla




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