Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Rogue "President" Biden Now -- Officially -- Threatens American Citizens: “Those Who Are Not Vaccinated Will End Up PAYING THE PRICE.”

 The mentally impaired, Biden, is apparently coherent enough -- at times -- to officially threaten American citizens with his latest screed directed at those who do not want to take the untested, filthy, and potentially deadly "vaccine," by saying: "Those who are not vaccinated will end up paying the price!" 

Does this sound like what a "president" of the United States would say to his fellow citizens?

Or, does this sound more like a threat from Xi of Red Communist China?  Or Communist North Korea?  Or from some Jihadist lunatics hell-bent on perpetual war in the tinder-box that is the Middle East?  (I purposely leave out President Putin of Russia, because I think he would realize what would happen if he dared to declare to the American people what Biden did.)

If it is not completely apparent by now, let me say it for my readers: We are dealing with a domestic enemy sitting in the Oval Office officially threatening those Americans who do not want to get a "vaccine" that was developed, and, in some cases, produced with the cell-lines from the bodies of dead, aborted babies...

This miscreant sounds more like a thug, cornering a victim in a darkened ally, telling him to hand over his money or end up paying the price!

Is it any wonder that gun sales have gone through the roof since January, purchased mostly by first-time buyers?  

When someone joins the military services, or is elected to office, or becomes a police officer, he or she takes an oath of office... Here are some of the words of that oath "... to defend and protect the Constitution of the United States, from all enemies, both foreign and domestic... so help me God"!

So, let me ask you a question, "president" Biden: Are you an American, or are you a bought- and-paid-for puppet of the billionaires and Communists?

Who do you think you are threatening Americans -- that includes hundreds-of-thousands of VETERANS -- who will fight to the death to protect our freedoms?  We did it once, and we'll do it again, if necessary.  And it seems that battle is right around the corner... So bring it on, "president" Biden!

Every day I pray for strength and honor, and ask my readers to do the same.  It seems the day to prove ourselves worthy of those who have gone before us, is quickly approaching...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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