Thursday, May 13, 2021

Not Recognizing The Elephant In The Room...

 Ye shall know them by their fruits...(St. Matthew 7;16 and 20; King James Version.)

One of the most egregious, heinous and barbaric acts that one human can do to another: the crime of abortion -- the premeditated killing of the pre-born -- a sin that cries to Heaven for vengeance, is being fostered, supported and encouraged by apostate Catholics!

As a prime example of this monstrous act and those that perpetrate or support it, is a character by the name of Xavier Becerra, the new HHS secretary.

In recent testimony before senators and congressmen, the "Catholic" Becerra, repeatedly denied that there is a federal law on the books that specifically prohibits what is termed: Partial birth abortion.  This miscreant continually lied when asked if he would follow the law, and instead of acknowledging that there is such a law, and that as HHS secretary, he would follow the law, he pretended that the term, "partial birth abortion" didn't exist in law!

However, in 2003, the Congress passed the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act, with the Supreme Court upholding the Act...

In fact, the law is found in 18 USC (U.S. Code) section 1531, which prohibits the barbaric act of killing the baby just as she is coming out of the body of her "mother."

Incredibly, Becerra, during his confirmation hearing, used his own mother as a prop when Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT) asked him, is there “just one restriction that relates to abortion that you might support?”

Becerra dodged the question by making a reference to his “Catholic” background that included a mention that his mother “blessed” him before he attended his confirmation hearing and that she “prays the rosary every day” and “said a prayer and included me in that prayer.”


I am completely befuddled that this conspirator of the killing of the pre-born was confirmed as the HHS Secretary after refusing to answer specific questions related to his duty to follow a federal law that has been on the books for nearly 20 years!

Our nation cannot be blessed, but most certainly can be damned, if we do not stop the slaughter of the tiny babies struggling to be born, by those politically powerful and influential.  Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because they were infested with homosexuals, defying the Natural Law, and, by extension, the laws of God as codified in the Ten Commandments.

Our Republic, or what's left of it, will suffer the same fate if hearts and minds don't convert and stop this massive child-sacrifice to the god of convenience and "choice," (but not for the baby)!  We, as a nation, will get what we deserve... 

Pray for the conversion of Becerra back to the Catholic faith...

Pray too, for our nation and for strength and honor...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla 


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