Monday, May 3, 2021

Modernism: Devoid Of True Charity!

 "...And, behold, a certain lawyer stood up, and tempted him, saying, Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?  He said unto him, what is written in the law? How readest thou?  And he answering said, thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbor as thyself.  And he said unto him, thou hast answered right: this do, and thou shalt live."  (St. Luke, 10:25-28, King James Version.) 

To be clear, when Christ tells us to love thy neighbor, He is telling us that we must wish the best for our neighbor; pray for our neighbor; show charity toward our neighbor.  By wishing the best for our neighbor; by being charitable to our neighbor, we are, in fact, loving our neighbor.  And, to treat our neighbor the way we want to be treated...

Modernists pretend to love their neighbor.  They exhibit a false compassion; a false charity, but in reality, they do not love their neighbor!

Actions speak much louder than words, and the false compassion of the modernists simply reflect their hypocrisy; they try to "buy" allegiance from their neighbor; that is not charity.  They can bribe, cajole, or threaten their neighbor, but show little real concern for their well-being, or, by extension, for the commonweal of the city, town, state or nation that they have been elected to represent...  In this instance, we are talking about politicians; and modernists, as well, infiltrating and infecting the clergy.  This can easily be seen by the capitulation to Caesar, and his illicit dictates, during the so-called "pandemic" of the Wuhan coronavirus, known as covid-19... 

The "concern" of the hierarchy for the "health and safety" of their flocks was made manifest by the shutting and locking of church doors for months on end, denying even the last rites of the Church -- Extreme Unction -- to those near death, with many dying without those special graces, nor with family or loved ones present, leaving the poor soul to die alone.

This is charity??

This disgrace is the opposite of charity!  These clerics refused to stand up to the medical tyrants, and instead emboldened them with their lukewarm response, if they responded at all.  They agreed with the misinformation that was, and continues to be, circulated by the mainstream media.  And anyone who dares to report the real science, and statistics, are quickly labeled as conspiracy nuts, or anti-vaxxers...

During the initial shut-down of our church in Kansas City, I called the diocese and left a message expressing my disapproval of the lock-down of the churches.  The only response I received was a terse message left on my phone recorder: "This is not open for discussion!"

It is said that the Catholic Church alone received in excess of $3,000,000,000 -- BILLION! -- dollars from the godless federal government to keep the churches locked!  

Instead of looking out for their flocks, the modernist-controlled hierarchy discarded true charity for phony "charity," using the excuse of trying to stop the spread of the hoax-virus, that has an over 99 percent recovery rate, for almost all age groups...

The modernists mimic the Pharisees of our Lord's time, in that they put on airs and tell the people under their charge to do as they direct concerning the law, but in reality, they live not according to the law.  Simply stated, they used a double-standard in the application of the law, and that is exactly what we see happening today, both in civil and ecclesiastical society...  

The most insidious of the modernists are those in the hierarchy of what passes for the Catholic Church these days, when they water-down Church teachings, especially the defined dogmas that are a part of the Deposit of Faith.  One of the most egregious examples comes from a "bishop" by the name of Barron.  This character believes -- and teaches -- that most of mankind will have a good chance of being saved!  

One of the problems of such a nonsensical speculation is that it directly contradicts Scripture -- including the very words of our Lord, Himself!  Furthermore, because of the reach of this very popular "bishop" on the various social media platforms, his errors and heresies are a massive scandal that causes confusion and doubt among the faithful, as well as those considering coming into the Church! 

Not teaching truth, is the opposite of true charity and contradicts the command of Christ to preach -- the truth! -- and baptize all peoples.   Giving false hopes to those outside the Church is damnable, not only for those who are told that "you're fine where you are," and in  some weird, unexplained way, you are an "anonymous Christian."

In essence, Barron is playing Russian Roulette with the souls of those who listen and follow his errors; his madness...

Pope Saint Pius X condemned modernism as the synthesis of all heresies!  That was over 100 years ago!  How much worse -- and widespread -- are the heresies of today, being swallowed by the ignorant and poorly catechized, leading to the very real possibility of being damned for all eternity.  What a horrendous account the modernists will have to face at their Particular Judgment for the loss of "just" one soul!

Pray for strength and honor -- and for discernment!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


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