Friday, May 7, 2021

Absolute Madness In The Military Under The Biden "Administration": Normalizing Of Homosexuality And Transgenderism...

 Read the full article here: US military goes full speed ahead toward max LGBT inclusion with ‘diversity’ panels, all-gay helicopter crew | News | LifeSite (

I will simply make a comment, coming from a patriot who served in two branches of the military, including a tour of duty in Vietnam -- December 1967, to December 1968...

I am totally disgusted and would never advise anyone to join the military until God-given common sense and adherence to the Natural Law returns to the hearts and minds of men and women.

If you think that it is easy for me to make that comment, you are sadly mistaken.  On the contrary, it pains me to do so.  I love my country.  But I can no longer support the policies of a rogue federal government being run -- question: just who is in charge at the White House?? -- by an incoherent, culture of death, apostate "Catholic", Biden and his cabal of anti-life, anti-Christ, leftist extremists hell-bent on destroying what is left of the Republic.

It is apparent that the mentally-challenged Biden, has lost all sense of right and wrong; what is good and what is evil... His biggest hurdle: overcoming those God-fearing, family-oriented men and women, fathers and mothers, who know the core building block of society is the family unit.  

To be blunt: Biden's chief ally is the evil one himself, Satan!

It will take more than exclaiming "that God is in control," to defeat these miscreants and return to the tenets of the Natural Law, and, by extension, the divinely revealed laws of God almighty.  It will take resistance and action -- if necessary -- to fight for the rights and true liberties that have been given to us by our Creator.  Liberties in the best sense, under the law of God, not the "liberties" espoused by those who equate liberty (freedom) with license!

In the end, we get what we deserve, as Sodom and Gomorrah got their just deserts, only what our "legal system" in this country has allowed -- especially the killing of the pre-born -- merits a far worse sentence: justice, that is conveniently overlooked when emphasizing the mercy of God! 

Please pray for strength and honor; for our country and our families...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


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