Wednesday, May 12, 2021

The Idea Of Mercy Without JUSTICE Is Irrational -- And Diabolical...

 Judge: "You have been found guilty of armed robbery; you will be sentenced to 10-20 years in the state penitentiary."

Convicted felon: "Please judge, have mercy on me!"

Judge: "You put lives in jeopardy; you stole money from the bank; this is the second time you have come before me; if you ever come before me again, I'll lock you up and throw away the key!  I will grant you this: You may be considered for parole after serving not less than nine years providing you are a "model" prisoner.  That is my mercy for you!"

Judge: "Next case..."

The bank robber's actions demanded justice.  The mercy is that he may be eligible for parole after serving not less than nine years in prison.

Those who cry mercy! mercy! without the accompanying justice, are espousing an irrationality that has infected, not only society at large, but also -- or maybe, because of? -- the clergy of the Catholic Church and other denominations as well, by taking God's mercy and placing it above God's Justice.  The emphasis on mercy -- without justice -- twists right order, and gives to those who commit crimes against humanity, such as the killing of the pre-born, the false hope that they will not have to face an accounting for their murderous actions.  After all, they say, God is all merciful; He wouldn't condemn anyone to hell "just" for killing a baby, regardless of the stage of development that couldn't survive outside her mother's womb... 

We have many examples of these false Catholics, especially those in the political world: Biden, Pelosi, Durbin, Kerry, Leahy, and numerous others who no longer have any supernatural faith left in their souls, but has been replaced with a corrupted intellect that directly influences the use of their free wills to chose evil over good; wrong over right... Mostly, these miscreants no longer believe in a jealous God that demands to be worshiped with their whole minds, hearts and souls, that is, if they ever did.  It is easy to "fake it" for public consumption -- to their own detriment, of course...

The hierarchy have now put together a "commission" to begin the ex-communication of Mafia members in Italy and elsewhere because they commit murder and mayhem and have since its founding in the 1800s, in Sicily.  This despicable crime organization had migrated to America in the early 1900s, and became known as the "Black Hand" in New York City.  It morphed into an American form of the Mafia and continues to this very day.

What befuddles me is that those who kill in the Mafia are now threatened with ex-communication, while those politicians, who claim to be Catholic, and who are virulent supporters of abortion or legislation that supports abortion, have little chance of being publicly ex-communicated.  It seems that the silence of the bishops, plus their lack of actions in combating the scourge of abortion, makes them, in my mind, complicit with the culture of death.  The claim that, "the Holy Eucharist would be weaponized," is complete nonsense.  Yet giving the Holy Eucharist to pro-abortion politicians, compounds their mortal sins, with another mortal sin of sacrilege.  What is really at stake here is the lack of charity by failing to admonish the sinner of his or her crime in the conspiracy of the murder of the pre-born.  

So now, we have the triple whammy of "mercy" without justice; the lack of charity in admonishing the sinner, and finally, the silence of the bishops failing to combat the horrendous crime of murdering the pre-born...

I dread to think of the sentence these people will face at their Particular Judgment... May God have mercy on their souls!

Pray for strength and honor -- and for JUSTICE!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


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