Thursday, May 6, 2021

What Are The Demonrats So Afraid Of?

 Ever since the fraudulent, stolen election by the Demonrats in a massive conspiracy that successfully installed the puppet, Biden, in the White House, there have been real patriots calling for a forensic audit of the votes and voting machines used, especially in the "swing states" that President Trump actually won, but had votes "flipped" to the Biden camp.

Right now, as I write this missive, there is an ongoing attempt to audit those very same votes and voting machines in Maricopa County, Arizona.  (Maricopa County encompasses the highly populated megalopolis of Phoenix and the surrounding suburbs.)

I said attempt to audit the votes and voting machines...

The Arizona state senate and the voting public have every right to find out if there was voter fraud that eventually gave the state to the Demonrats, but those very same Demonrats have thrown roadblock after roadblock in an attempt to stifle and stop the audit.  This, even though a judge has ruled that the Maricopa County supervisors must allow the audit and access to the routers used to transmit information (across the Internet) on the night of November 3, 2020.  

Those supervisors should be charged with contempt of court, and threatened with arrest and fines!

We have now heard that the so-called Department of Justice, (a real oxymoron!) under Biden, has entered the fray, or is attempting to enter into a matter of the state where the DOJ has no business or authority to stop the audit...

If the vote count on November 3rd, was legitimate, why are the Demonrat M.C. Supervisors so afraid of a forensic audit?  

Here's why...

If a true and honest, bipartisan audit is done, and the vote and voting machines show multiple irregularities, this could lead to a finding that President Trump actually won the state.  If that happens, then other states considering audits may insist on doing them to determine if their states had irregularities too.   In other words, there could very well be a domino effect, with state after state demanding an audit to make sure the reported vote count of November 3rd was, in fact, accurate, and to ensure voter integrity for all future elections...

Audits might very well happen in Georgia, Michigan and Pennsylvania, and potentially in some of the other "swing states".   

We all know that President Trump was ahead by huge numbers in those three states on the night of Nov. 3rd, only to wake up the next morning to see a massive vote-flip in favor of the incoherent, Biden.  In essence, we have a false, fraudulent "president" holding the White House hostage for potentially up to four years.  We'll see...

In the meantime, pray for strength and honor, and never capitulate to the anti-life, Christ-hating Demonrats and their bizarre and deadly agenda...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


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