Monday, May 17, 2021

Our Freedoms Are In Dire Jeopardy, But Not Our FREE WILL...

 No one; I repeat, no one, can take away our free will!

It has become very apparent, to me, at least, that over the past year or more, our God-given, constitutionally guaranteed natural rights have come under heavy fire from an enemy intent on imposing their devilish agenda on the citizens of the U.S., as well as on most of the world.  

The reason, or should I say, excuse?  A strain of the flu bug developed in a Red Chinese Communist lab in the city of Wuhan.  I said developed.  Translation: man-made, and with plenty of help of those under the direct control of the father of lies, Satan.  As each day goes by, the evidence becomes clearer that some "Americans" have become traitors to their own country, as well as traitors to their faith, that is, if they ever really had faith...

I could name names here, but I really don't have to.  They are in the "news" every day of the week, propagandizing their lies through a lying media that has brainwashed the American populace through fear and intimidation regarding a virus that has a 99 percent recovery rate for nearly all age groups!

It is obvious that these people have used their free will for diabolical purposes, conspiring to concoct a witch's brew of fear, as well as untested, filthy and deadly "vaccines" to trick people into capitulating to their demands to get vaccinated or face severe restrictions of movement and isolation...

It is so sad to see parents walking hand-in-hand with their little children; covered with face-diapers.   Because of a lack of common sense, and the failure to do due diligence to research and dig up the facts, they blindly follow the illicit mandates from the medical and political tyrants without question...

These "mandates" are a brutal form of control, outright slavery -- and child abuse!  

With extreme progressives in charge of the White House and the Congress, the country's economic, physical and mental health has taken a dramatic nose-dive since January 21, 2021.  Sure, the constraints on movement and our other freedoms started back in the early months of 2020 under President Trump -- surrounded on all sides with incompetent and treasonous advisers -- overall, things have gotten much worse under the current "administration". 

Let's be blunt: the current "leaders" of our country are not God-fearing; they are not Christian in any way; they are imposters!

I would go one step further: since 1973, when the killing of the pre-born became "legal," evil filled the void left wide-open when the sanctity of human life became cheapened and quickly collapsed...

We are seeing the bad will of those running our country: that bad will affects the decision-making and use of their free wills, culminating in the evil, anti-family policies and agendas that we see being implemented almost on a daily basis...

What to do?

In reality, regardless of what is done to us who fear and love God, our free wills can never be overcome!   Yes, our lives can be ended through various heinous means, but "they" can never touch our souls.  The anti-Christs may try to deceive, if possible, the Elect; and the Remnant.  That is why we must pray for the grace of final perseverance; finish the race and win the crown of life... 

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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