Tuesday, May 11, 2021

The Demon "Dr." Fauci...

The following is an excerpt from an article in lifesitenews.com by Dorothy Cummings McLean, May 10, 2021...

Fauci to Vatican health conference: Priests are key to convincing religious people take coronavirus shots.

Fauci’s ‘moral compass is on par with Dr. Josef Mengele’

"Considering the fact that Fauci 'oversaw an agency that took the scalps of murdered children and grafted them onto mice,' Fauci’s 'moral compass is on par with Dr. Josef Mengele,”' commented Michael Hichborn, President of the Lepanto Institute.

“For the last eight years, Faithful Catholics have watched in horror as the Vatican lauded abortionists, gave a platform to population control enthusiasts, perverted Catholic teaching, edited our Blessed Lord, and even enthroned a pagan idol, so Anthony Fauci’s presence at this conference is, sadly, not a surprise,” Hichborn told LifeSiteNews. “Fauci’s policies led to the shut down of ALL public Masses throughout the United States during the holiest time of the year, so asking him to give his ‘guidance’ to Catholic clergy is a sign that the Vatican has lost all sense of supernatural faith.”

My comment: Eerily similar to Margaret Sanger's attempt to wipe out the black race from American Soil, Fauci said the following: 

“You've got to match the messenger with the audience. And I think if you do that, you're going to overcome a lot of the hesitancy. When you go into the trenches and you have someone who's a deeply religious person who will listen to their clergy, that's different than me with a suit, going into an area, telling people to do something.”

My comment: the intent of Fauci -- an apostate "Catholic" and radical pro-abortion advocate -- wants clergy to persuade their flock to get the "vaccines".  Sadly, we have far too many priests, bishops and cardinals advocating that the Catholic faithful get the filthy, deadly shot developed with aborted baby parts.  The loss of supernatural faith of these clerics is plain for all to see, I hope! and must not be obeyed!

Hichborn noted that if Fauci had “scoffed at the notion of global climate change, or took a strong stand against socialism, or if he loved the Traditional Latin Mass, he’d be considered a pariah in Vatican circles. The Vatican is completely upside down, like the Simonists in Dante’s eighth circle of Hell.

“In 1939, Margaret Sanger wrote to Dr. Clarence Gamble suggesting that they convince ‘negro doctors’ and ‘negro ministers’ to promote contraception among the black population. Mimicking Sanger’s approach, Fauci now wants to use Catholic priests to convince faithful Catholics to take an unproven shot that has over 30,000 reported deaths and over 100,000 serious adverse reactions attached to it..."

End of excerpt...

Additional comment: the father of lies, Satan, is having a field day right now, and seems to be in control of whatever or whoever makes up the "Vatican" and its diabolical, anti-life, anti-Christ policies and programs.  One of the trademarks of the devil, is to scandalize and deceive, if possible, even the Elect; the Remnant.  We faithful Catholics, on the other hand, have a powerful intercessor on our side: The Blessed Mother of our Lord!  Satan knows that in the end, his miserable, rotten head will be crushed by the heel of Our Lady!  What a fate!  

Pray for strength and honor, and pray for our country!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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