Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Why Are Police Doing The Work Of Our Enemies?

 I am perplexed...

In the Hippocratic oath that doctors are supposed to take, there is this: First do no harm (to their patients), the police take the oath of allegiance to support and defend the Constitution and yet, they routinely abuse our rights by enforcing unlawful dictates of power-hungry control freaks.  

(How many know that the oath taken by a new officer is sworn to God?  The question then begs: if the police are willing to violate that oath, it can only mean two things: one, they never took that oath seriously in the first place, and, by extension, two, they don't believe in God and just went through the motions at the graduation in order to pin that badge on their uniform.  If that is the case, then that would explain their unfaithfulness to that oath, and their un-constitutional actions violating that oath?) 

Ever since the coronavirus "pandemic," various states, and down to the local level of a county, local school districts and boards, responsible for the education of our children, we find parents at odds with the progressive and un-natural curriculum fed to those very same children.  And when parents object, and exercise their First Amendment right to speak freely at town or schoolboard meetings, all too often they are shut down by the powers that be, even going to the extreme of using the local police or sheriffs to muzzle or remove parents and other interested parties, simply for trying to keep their children safe from anti-American, pro-racist "critical race theory".  Add to this disturbing turn-of-events, is the even more explicit moral turpitude of so-called "sex-ed," that corrupts the impressionable minds of the young...

With all the attacks on police on the streets of our cities, and the radical efforts to defund police departments, many good citizens are outwardly supporting the thin blue line that separates society from chaos.  Sadly, it is some of those very same police that are being used against those citizens, either by coercion -- or fear, fear that is,  from losing their only means of employment and stability for their families.  But is that really the case?  Remember that sacred Hippocratic oath I mentioned?  If a doctor is willing to trash that oath, and an officer is willing to betray and sell-out his oath, do you think that he might he be willing to bend to the whims of the authoritarians???

I think so, and that is the dilemma we face...

Who, then, can we trust?  Into whose hands can we safely place our God-given rights for protection and enforcement?

What's the answer?  If we are God-fearing, then we have the answer, or at least an answer: we serve God rather than men.  Sure, I know we are supposed to obey lawful authority and just laws, but if a law is unjust, and authorities try to force that law down our throats, then we have the right -- the duty! -- to disobey that unjust law.  

Pray for strength and honor and act accordingly...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro and Fr. Emil Kapaun, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla...





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