Monday, July 12, 2021

MK-ULTRA -- No Longer Hidden...

 Project MKUltra (or MK-Ultra) is the code name given to a program of experiments on human subjects that were designed and undertaken by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), some of which were illegal. Experiments on humans were intended to develop procedures and identify drugs such as LSD to be used in interrogations in order to weaken the individual and force confessions through brainwashing and  psychological torture. The project was organized through the Office of Scientific Intelligence of the CIA and coordinated with the United States Army Biological Warfare Laboratories Other code names for drug-related experiments were Project Bluebird and Project Artichoke.

(See my previous articles here: The New MK-Ultra Project and here: Another, Deadly, MK-Ultra Experiment?)

Originally, MK-Ultra was a series of secret experiments hidden from the public.  As critical information has surfaced over the years, it was plain to see that our own soldiers were used as guinea pigs for those experiments.  Just as our soldiers were used during atom bomb testing to see the effects of the shock-wave created by the blast, as well as -- and especially -- the effects of radiation from the bomb.  The problem is, is that those soldiers obeyed orders to line up in trenches, completely unprotected, save for goggles to help protect their eyes from the initial sun-like glare when the bomb exploded.  

What their commanders -- and the civilian leaders -- didn't tell those soldiers, is that they were going to be exposed to deadly radiation, that, over the years, took most of the lives of the troops, who were in those trenches, from various forms of cancer.  Meanwhile, the elites conducting the gruesome experiments on their own men, were protected in heavily fortified, reinforced concrete bunkers, safe from the blast of the bomb...

Knowingly subjecting their troops to eventual horrific suffering, was pure treason and nothing less.


Supposedly, MK-Ultra was officially disbanded in the 1970s...

But was it?

But the "son" of MK-Ultra has been going on for decades, only this time, it is the complicit media that are being used as the useful idiots to perpetrate an even more diabolical "experiment" on their own American citizenry. This has come in the form of fear-mongering and brainwashing, to keep their subjects under their demonic thumbs, at the behest of the population control freaks who will stop at nothing to implement their God-hating agenda to destroy our Republic by destroying the family unit: the building block of all societies...

But it doesn't stop there... We know with brainwashing, comes submission, then absolute control of John and Mary Q. Public, who. for the most part, are willing participants because of they have lost their ability to think for themselves.  Instead of questioning the civil and medical "authorities" and their propaganda machine that bombards the airways and Internet with false or exaggerated information concerning the Wuhan virus, and now, the so-called "delta variant," John and Mary Q. Public go around wearing face-diapers, un-social distance, isolate themselves, thinking that if they don't, they'll catch a strain of the flu bug, get sick and die.  Not much has changed over the last year-and-a-half...

That is what the government "officials" are telling them.  And our friends in high office would never lie to us, right?

Yes they would, and they do.

The question then begs: who in our government is behind these treasonous acts against the American populace?

Remember the title of my article: MK-ULTRA No Longer Hidden...  

That's right, these traitors don't even try to hide their anti-human, anti-Christ agenda.  With the likes of Biden holding the White House hostage for four years, or less, and his cronies in various cabinet positions, not to mention those lying spies in such organizations as the NSA, CIA, FBI and other corrupt agencies, is it any wonder they are getting away with murder, in some cases, literally?  

What we do know is that those courageous and dedicated doctors and other health-care professionals who dare to utter the truth, are quickly labeled as "conspiracy nuts," or pushing "disinformation" concerning the Wuhan virus and its brother "variants"... They are censored; their reputation attacked, and, yes, even murdered -- by "suicide."

Look at it this way, ever since November 3, 2020, when the lying fraud, Biden, stole the office of president, his despicable hate for the pre-born, as well as his Marxist/socialist appointments to foster the destruction of our God-given rights, under the guise of fear-mongering over a flu bug, far too many limp-wristed Americans have willingly submitted to the lies -- and the genuine conspiracy -- to turn our Republic into a satellite state of the Communists.   

It is absolutely stunning to see how successful these monsters are!

But there is sense that something is brewing... The pendulum may be starting to swing back in our direction... Push American patriots in the corner, and they will react to take back their rights and their country from the traitors and God-haters.  At least that is my sincere hope.  This is something that we will all have to pray for: the courage to do what is necessary to accomplish that glorious goal, for God, Country and Family!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro and Fr. Emil Kapaun, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla






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