Monday, January 4, 2021

Another, Deadly, MK-Ultra Experiment?

 Call it another conspiracy theory; that's your right.  It is also my right to bring to my readers what is actually happening in our beloved country...

What I will report here, did happen over the last week; it is not a figment of my imagination!  In an article by Michael Snyder (End Of The American Dream), the following, in my opinion, simply cannot be coincidental...


Five -- count them five! -- Republicans have suddenly died; two of whom were in their early forties!  Four of these deaths were attributed to -- you guessed it: COVID-19!  Three of these Republican lawmakers died in the first two days of the New Year!

A Pennsylvania state rep., Mike Reese died from "an apparent brain aneurysm.”  He was 42 years old. 

Virginia state Sen. Ben Chafin Jr. has died after contracting Covid-19, according to a statement from his office. He was 60 years old.

Also on January 2nd, a former state representative in Connecticut suddenly passed awayAlthough he had health problems at times through the years, Dick Foley's death at age 71 stunned his friends and colleagues in state politics.

A congressman-elect from Louisiana -- Luke Letlow -- died Tuesday evening from complications of Covid-19 days before he was set to be sworn into office, his spokesman announced. He was 41.

Nolan Mettetal, a longtime former state senator and representative and higher education leader at the Capitol, died Monday due to COVID-19. He was 75.

The purveyors of death roam freely in this country, experimenting on our fellow citizens with out-of-this-world drugs -- as was proven with the diabolical MK-Ultra program initiated and conducted by the CIA from the early 1950's to the early '70s.  Supposedly, those "tests" and experiments were terminated, however, there is nothing to say that this horrible attack on our citizens did not continue in some way, shape or form to this very day...

It was admitted by then President Truman who said this about the CIA, according to his biographer, Merle Miller, "I think [creation of the CIA] was a mistake. And if I’d known what was going to happen, I never would have done it."

I am not saying that the CIA was or is responsible for the deaths of these Republican congressmen and senators, but what I do know is that the hierarchy of that organization are Trump-haters.  They despise that there is a president that wants to return to the American people, their sense of justice, as well as freedom from insidious coercion in the form of drugs (vaccines?) that pepper the landscape of our Republic, ruining the lives of an unsuspecting populace...

The Founding Fathers feared and warned us about an out-of-control centralized government smashing the rights of the states and its citizens.  The same can be said for secretive organizations that undermine our democratic form of government, whether it be the CIA, NSA, or the myriad other agencies that collect and store personal and financial information of its citizens...

The cry to "defund the police" has been heard in some of our largest cities run by corrupt Democratic mayors.   In addition, states are being destroyed by liberal, leftist governors, stifling the Constitutional rights of their citizens.  Defunding the police departments is outright stupidity, but I would wholeheartedly agree to defund and disband such agencies as the CIA, the NSA, and others to restore some measure of hope and confidence in the hierarchy of our federal government...

Pray for our country, and pray that President Trump will be sworn into office for another four-year term...

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


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