Wednesday, January 13, 2021

If There Is Another Across-The-Board Lockdown, That Will Be The Death Knell Of The Middle Class -- That Means YOU!

 Actually, the title of my article is misleading: If There Is Another Across-The-Board Lockdown... It is misleading because we know from past experience, that not all of American society will be locked down, only those that are considered to be "non-essential".  

One of the problems of declaring some businesses or churches as non-essential, is the question of: Who is defining what is essential or non-essential?  I have already answered part one of the question: some businesses or churches...

The next part of the question of just who determines what is essential or not, falls on the shoulders of our elected officials -- or maybe not!   That's the "kicker": far too many un-elected officials are running our lives, especially when it comes to matters of a so-called pandemic, or, as some would label it the covid-19 virus.   (There are those that refer to the current strain of the flu bug as a "coronavirus."  It is, but so is the common cold, as well as any other myriad versions of viruses that are floating around in the atmosphere.  Note too, that there is no vaccine for the common cold virus, even though that particular virus has been with us since Adam and Eve packed their bags and departed the Garden.)  

In light of the fact that the covid-19 has been blown so far out of proportion in relation to the seriousness of the bug, that it is almost impossible to return to the use of our common sense to figure just why we have been locked-down, or forced to wear a face-diaper.  And the powers that be are using their illicit, un-constitutional, un-lawful powers to back the American populace into a corner using fear or outright threats: either obey our dictates, or face radical repercussions, including fines or being arrested.  Yes, this is happening right here in the United States of America, not to mention the UK, Italy, Whales and Ireland, where the police are actively seeking out those who even question the official narrative or the efficacy of the PCR testing, or the actual numbers of those who have died from the covid-19 flu bug (the deaths from the virus is much, much lower than the media are listing).  

We now know that the deaths from other than the covid-19 bug are rising at an astronomical rate, especially from other, more dangerous causes that are going untreated because of the fear of even going outside to get that treatment.  

I'm afraid that this is only the beginning of the new surge in "cases" -- note, I said in new cases, not deaths.  New cases of the covid virus means nothing.  How can I say that?  Because the PCR tests that are now being used worldwide, are being manipulated to indicate "positive" results.  What is also being ignored by the medical establishment in cahoots with big pharma and their lackeys in the media, is that over 99 percent of those who get the virus, recover.   Notice too, that when new statistics are promulgated, almost on a daily basis to keep the fear mongering going, it is rarely, if ever, mentioned about the age of the patient or that they had some previous co-morbidity translating into a weakened immune system, less able to fight off even a cold or mild flu symptoms.

It is important to realize that if, or when, Biden/Harris occupy the White House, it is almost certain that a new lock-down will occur to some degree or another, including the mandatory use of face-diapers for the first 100 days after stealing the 2020 presidential election through voter, and election fraud (as Biden himself has promised).  There is a plan in all of this: to make the middle-class wither on the vine and slowly (quickly?) disappear.  But for what reason?  Aren't the Democrats the "party of the people"?  No.  In reality, they never have been.  A cursory look into the history books would quickly dispel that myth...  Remember, Biden is bought and paid for; corrupt to the core.  This is not a conspiracy theory; the evidence is in the public domain of bribery, blackmail, high crimes and misdemeanors.  And because of this, he is beholding to the Communist Red Chinese.  What he will do to accommodate or appease, with little interference, their quest to surpass and take over world leadership from America, is anyone's guess.  But one thing is for sure, if the middle class is completely eviscerated, our Republic can't stand.  

I urge all my readers to re-read the Declaration of Independence and act appropriately...

Pray for strength and honor...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

PS: please watch this video as it is important for all parents and guardians, and for all Americans who love freedom of speech...

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