Monday, January 25, 2021

A New Declaration Of Independence -- For The Catholic Bishops??

 There is a key section in the Declaration of Independence which basically states that a people should try to endure (suffer) under what would be considered an evil or abusive form of government, and try to obtain a redress of grievances, rather than to abolish that form of government altogether.  However, I'll now quote the more pertinent section of the Declaration as it pertains to this article: "But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."  

I have quoted the Declaration more than a few times in my previous articles for the more apparent reasons of what we see happening in our country in these troubling times.  This time, I will attempt to make the most salient point of what some faithful shepherds (bishops) of the Catholic Church are enduring as they try to preach the truth in the face of almost overwhelming odds from an entity that continues to call itself "Catholic."   This refers, of course, to the establishment church of a morally and spiritually compromised hierarchy, along with costly buildings and ornate art-work, bureaucracy, red tape, scandal and fraud that accompanies any large institution, just as we see it happening in mega-corporations, with very familiar names...

(Our Lord never promised wealth and power to the nascent church and the new flock of converts, but what He did promise is that the gates of hell would never -- ever -- prevail against His church.  Even if that church were comprised of a scattered, few faithful here and there: the Elect; the Remnant; those who have their names recorded in the Book of Life.)

It is important to make the distinction between the human element of the Church, and the Church itself, in that, Christ, being the Founder of the Church, cannot be the perfect, Divine Head of a rotten and gangrenous Body.  There are some in the body of the Church that have deviated from the teachings, sufferings and merits of their Savior, and have succumbed to the "spirit of the age," rather than face the criticism and outright persecution from the Prince of this world...

As a perfect example of this, I point to the newly elected "president" of the U.S., J. Biden (a professed practicing Catholic!) and his disdain for the Natural Law and Church teachings, by supporting the slaughter of the tiny, pre-born baby developing in the womb of his "mother," not to mention his support for another abomination, the sin of Sodom, along with so-called "transgenderism."  

Recently, Archbishop Gomez of Los Angeles (of whom I am not a great fan of), was about to issue a statement pointing out Biden's extreme deviation from that very same Natural Law and Church teachings on life, when almost immediately, received an admonishment from the Cardinal Archbishop of Chicago, the apostate, Blase Cupich, issued his own statement (to Gomez and others willing to speak up for the truth) telling him to "delay" issuing the admonishment of Biden. 

The feckless, weakling, milquetoast Cupich is afraid of his own shadow and any criticism of the second "Catholic" president to hold that august office...

There is a reason for this: "Cardinal" Cupich is not Catholic.  He is part of the new-world-order version of what passes for the Catholic Church.  He has fully embraced the Prince of darkness, regardless of the consequences he will have to pay after he leaves this earth...

The following is from an article from The Pillar: (a new website by JD Flynn and Ed Condon, who were previously employed by Catholic News Agency), reports that “sources in the Vatican Secretariat of State, others close to the U.S. bishops’ conference, and sources among the U.S. bishops, confirmed to The Pillar that the statement was spiked after intervention from the Vatican Secretariat of State, hours before it was due to be released.”  

Here is the actual statement from Archbishop Gomez, it read: 

"I must point out that our new President has pledged to pursue certain policies that would advance moral evils and threaten human life and dignity, most seriously in the areas of abortion, contraception, marriage, and gender. Of deep concern is the liberty of the Church and the freedom of believers to live according to their consciences."

“For the nation’s bishops,” it added, “the continued injustice of abortion remains the ‘preeminent priority.”

But then, this: "The Pillar reports that three sources close to the bishops’ conference informed them that objections to the statement’s release came from Cardinal Joseph Tobin of Newark, New Jersey and Cardinal Blase Cupich of Chicago, Illinois, among other unnamed bishops."

It should be pointed out, that both Cupich of Chicago, and Tobin of Newark, NJ are both homosexual and "LGBT"-friendly, if not homosexuals themselves.

So, what are faithful Catholic bishops to do in the face of other brother bishops (and the pope?) who refuse to stand up for Christ and His true church?

Issue their own "Declaration of Independence" and dismiss the phony, compromised institution that passes for the "Catholic" Church.  

Does this smell of schism?   Not really, because I contend that the schism has already manifested itself in the institutionalized church that pretends to be Catholic: an insult to all those men, women and children who suffered a cruel martyrdom for the faith of Christ...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla



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