Friday, January 29, 2021

A Crime Spree On Steroids In 2020...

 Do you watch CNN, or MSNBC, or one of the so-called "mainstream media" outlets that continually brainwashes their audience to such a degree, as to distort all reality, creating a new class of mind-numbed robots who believe anything -- anything -- their puppeteers tell them?  

The distortion of truth that emanates from the mouths of these news anchors, renders the truth D.O.A. (dead on arrival).  Furthermore, that distortion points fingers of guilt to those law-abiding, God-fearing, pro-life, pro-Second Amendment, patriotic Americans as the real enemies of peace and tranquility in our nation.

We can see and hear, on a daily basis, how the liberal/Marxist left always accuses their opponents -- you and I -- of what they do.  There is no shame in their reporting the "news"; only lies, or, made-up stories out of thin air.  Truly bizarre! 

Real journalism for all practical purposes, no longer exists among the many media platforms available to the public, including social media...

With this in mind, recent data shows a dramatic increase in homicides (murders) in some of the major cities in 2020.  It should be noted that those were the cities where uncontrolled mayhem and destruction by anarchists and insurrectionists was allowed to go on with little or no pushback by law enforcement.  

Why were these rioters and looters allowed to get away with such massive destruction of homes and businesses, keeping the law-abiding living in fear for their lives and the lives of their families?  The answer to this is beyond belief: the mayors of those cities and the governors of those states in question, (all Democrats) were (and still are) sympathetic to the Marxist Communists and their agenda to destroy our American way of life -- including family, tradition, and private property -- and form a socialist "utopia" where our rights are controlled by the false god of the almighty state...

Simply put: such individuals are traitors to their citizens and their country!

Here are just a few examples of the stunning statistics of murder rates from 2020...

(Information was gleaned from a report on OANN news from January 28, 2021.) 

Milwaukee: nearly a 95 percent increase in murders; Minneapolis: over 72 percent; Chicago: nearly 56 percent; Memphis: nearly 59 percent; Houston: almost 43 percent; New York (City): almost 40 percent; Philadelphia (the City of Brotherly Love!): nearly 36 percent increase.  There are others... 

Where in the mainstream media have you seen these homicide statistics?


Not only are these data shocking, they are also indicative of what happens when there is a breakdown in society, especially when the rights of its citizens are restricted or denied outright.  But the core reason is the almost complete rejection and prohibition of public worship of God, most notably in the public school system, where even the Natural Law is twisted beyond recognition, and tradition is often accused of being the chief cause of all the ills of our country.  Couple this with the phony "pandemic" of one of the strains of the coronavirus, and you have a recipe for societal disaster...

Pray for strength and honor -- and for truth!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla



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