Saturday, January 23, 2021

"My Body, My Choice!" A Smokescreen For Genocide And Slaughter...

 Remember the feminists cry: "My body, my choice," from the 1970's and forward?  That's right, you still hear it in 2021, only this time, it goes something like this: "Keep abortion safe and legal." 

Safe for who? 

The baby about to be torn apart?  The "mother" who seeks to destroy her child before he has a chance to breathe air?

In some documented cases, that so-called "safe" procedure is downright deadly, as has been proven far too often when the malpractice of the doctor leaves the female bleeding profusely and fails to call "911" for emergency help.  That has led to the death for the poor, unwitting woman who just killed her child!

Let's be frank: The overwhelming majority of abortions are performed on our black American sisters, set in the inner cities among those who fall below the poverty line.  In fact, although black Americans make up about 13-14 percent of the population, they account for nearly 34 percent of all abortions!

This was the plan of the murderess, Margaret Sanger, who wanted to rid the American landscape of the black race, period.   If one doubts what I just wrote, please feel free to do a search for information that is in the public domain.  Her desire to eradicate said American blacks, is right out of her own diary, where she hoped to enlist the help of twisted, godless, black pastors by subterfuge and lies.  When a race is targeted in such a way, it is called genocide.  But that's too harsh a term to be used these days, at least according to the elitists whose aim is right in line with that of Sanger's...

She was so incredibly successful, that we see over 320,000 poor, pre-born babies killed right here in the U.S., not to mention over 1,000,000 (MILLION) killed worldwide, every single year!

It is estimated that nearly 1,000,000,000 (that's one BILLION!) children have been wiped out since the 1970's.  When we start talking about such numbers, it is almost too hard to comprehend... 

A cursory reading of the history books, would reveal the barbarism of the ancient Aztecs and Incas of Central and South America, pales in comparison to what is done to our pre-born today.  Their sacrifice to their gods was almost too gruesome to describe, but what is done to the pre-born is far worse, if that is possible...

President Trump attempted to defund, to a degree, "planned parenthood," only to be rebuffed at every turn.  And now, with the apostate "Catholic" Biden (illicitly in office), the screws are already being turned to let loose additional taxpayer monies to fund the continuing slaughter of the pre-born, all the way up to birth -- that is called infanticide...

It is not a question of what else have we done to deserve a horrifying chastisement from the hand of God that might very well smash our nation to smithereens, it is the fact of the continuation of the massacre of His gift of life.   That is enough to trigger divine Justice, separating the wheat from the rotten chaff, and casting the weeds into the eternal, never ending fires of hell.  It makes no difference whether or not someone believes in hell, they will surely find out if they don't repent and change their hardened hearts, and beg for mercy for their crimes against humanity...

Pray for two things: one, for the conversion of Biden/Harris, and, two, pray for the absolute failure of their anti-life, anti-Christ executive orders and policies.  

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


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