Thursday, January 14, 2021

The New "Battle Of The Bulge"...

 In this day and age, when some talk about a "bulge," they might be talking about the addition of a few extra pounds put on by over-indulging in our favorite meals and desserts during the recent holidays...  

But I'm not writing about some extra, unwanted flab causing us to despair when we step on the scale.  I'm talking about another real, potential battle to come right here in the heartland of America.  (Note: the title of my article does not take away from the incredible sacrifices of those who endured the massive invasion of the German Army into the Ardennes, throwing back the meager and weakened American forces designated to hold that particular territory.  Though outnumbered and outgunned, the American Army struggled back to eventual victory, and began the defeat of Hitler in Europe.) 

The new Battle of The Bulge is set to take place soon after January 20, 2021, when the miscreant Biden and his co-conspirator, Harris, illicitly take the White House and hold it hostage for at least the next four years...

This new battle has already started.  Actually, it started during the presidency of Donald Trump, but will accelerate at "warp speed" -- to use the phrase when Mr. Trump referred to the development of a vaccine, supposedly, to combat the Wuhan virus, now commonly known as covid-19 -- under the corrupt Biden and the equally corrupt, Harris.

 In reality, this is a battle for the minds and hearts of the American people, and so far, the elitists are winning with psychological operations, drilling into those minds that accept, without question, the narrative of what happens to us if, and when, someone gets tested "positive" for covid.  Even those that are admitted to a hospital for treatment, are fed the line that they are in dire straits from the get-go, and must be isolated from all family and friends so as not to "infect" others. 

To further cement their stranglehold on the unsuspecting patient, most doctors refuse the "right to try" any drugs that might help someone in such "life-threatening" situations, leaving few options except the standard treatments prescribed by the hospital, including the potential, deadly, ventilator.  It should be noted that the "right to try" was issued by executive order of President Trump, recognizing that the patient should have a right to try a treatment or drug, without any liability to the administrators of the facility, should the individual die from the (unconventional) treatment.  

Why is this happening?

You don't have to look very far, or dig too deeply to find out: Money...  It is known that when someone is tested "positive" for covid, and is admitted to a hospital, the government allows a certain amount of money for that positively-tested patient.  Then, if that person is put on a ventilator, the government kicks in an additional amount of money, amounting to many thousands of dollars, to the hospital.  The prognosis at that point, is grim to say the least.  This is not a conspiracy theory, nor my opinion, but actual facts proven out from personal experience...   

There should be questions asked by the patient or their representative, concerning treatment, especially the doctors refusing their patient the "right to try".  It seems, however, that, as a whole, people just accept at face value, what is told to them, and submit to the protocol.  This confounds me, and at the same time, reveals the near-complete indoctrination of the American populace buying into the big lie that, when told often enough, becomes "truth" in the minds of many.

All is not lost!  There are now many thousands of doctors and other healthcare professionals that have broadcast their message of truth about the so-called pandemic -- where there is a 99+ percent recovery rate for those who get sick from covid (another form of the coronavirus, and that includes the common cold).  It is also true, that the leftist media and the pharmaceutical companies are doing their dead-level best to stifle and censor those very same doctors.

There's a lot of money at stake here for the hospitals to continue the status quo, and to hell with the patient entrusted to them.  It's almost as if they're saying: What Hippocratic oath?   

To First, Do No Harm; that oath!

Pray for strength and honor to continue the fight for the "battle for the bulge"...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla



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