Friday, January 8, 2021

Biden Needs To Be Impeached NOW, For Bribery, Blackmail, And Malfeasance Of Office!

 Before Mr. Trump's arm was even lowered to his side after taking the solemn oath of office of President of the Untied States, back in 2016, calls for his impeachment were heard in the hallowed halls of the Congress and Senate from hard-left, Democrat politicians.

Of course, these blowhards had no evidence of corruption or malfeasance of office -- he hadn't even stepped one foot in the White House! -- yet they attacked the man because he beat the hell out of H. Clinton with an electoral landslide, confounding the Democratic pundits who confidently predicted Hillary would win by that very same landslide!  

So, what's good for the goose, is good for the gander!  

Here's what I say: we must start the impeachment process of Biden, now!  The evidence is so overwhelming and in the public domain, that it is indisputable and cannot be hidden... Biden is guilty of massive corruption in the form of bribery, blackmail, malfeasance of office, and high crimes and misdemeanors.  There is actually a video of him bragging to his colleagues at the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) that he would withhold $1,000,000,000 of American citizen's taxpayer monies if the prosecutor investigating the corruption of his son, Robert Hunter, and his connections to the equally corrupt corporation, Burisma, was not fired in six hours...

Then he brags that: "Well, son of a bitch, he got fired."

That blackmail is also known as a "quid pro quo".   

The incessant lies of the Marxist mainstream media constantly beating the drum of "collusion" between Mr. Trump and Russia, was proven false after wasting nearly $50,000,000 of our money in an attempt to find enough evidence to indict President Trump.  It didn't happen, because there was no evidence!  How many times must this be stated?   

Truth, these days, is in short supply, and when it is found, those Joe Sixpack types couldn't recognize it if it were staring them in the face... Is it because a good majority of the American populace is completely brainwashed watching too much of the likes of CNN and their lackey buddies?  I think the answer to that question is self-evident...

Even now, when the so-called ally of President Trump -- Vice President Pence -- has clearly betrayed his oath and his duties to dig for the evidence of real voter and election fraud.  He had the authority, but failed miserably to give his president the opportunity to show that Mr. Trump did, in fact, win the 2020 presidential election.  Again, the evidence is overwhelming with hundreds of affidavits from reputable vote counters and poll watchers stating the outright fraud and "irregularities" witnessed up close and personal.  But to no avail... The biased courts have refused, at every turn, to right those wrongs even when good citizens have sworn an oath to almighty God of what they saw and heard from Democrats in charge of the counting process...

I repeat my call to start the impeachment of "president elect" Biden and his cronies as soon as possible before he takes the oath of office: an oath that requires him to swear to God almighty to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.   But Biden has already sold out to Red Communist China for filthy lucre's sake, so, in reality, that sacred oath will mean little or nothing...

Let us all pray that Biden will not hold the Oval Office hostage, but if he does, that his administration and polices will be abject failures.  We patriots must see to that in whatever peaceful ways available to us...

Pray for justice and strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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