Saturday, January 30, 2021

Is This For Real? Or Is This A Bad Joke?

 The following information was gleaned from an article by Kyle Morris on

"The Black Lives Matter movement, which fueled several violent protests across America last year, has been nominated for the 2021 Nobel peace prize.

"The nomination was made by Petter Eide, a member of Norway’s parliament who considered the effort to be “a very important worldwide movement to fight racial injustice,” and brushed off questions regarding violent protests in the movement’s name.

Comment: In addition to the fact that Mr. Eide is a complete leftist lunatic, this reminds me of the Stockholm syndrome, a psychological response wherein a captive begins to identify closely with his or her captors, as well as with their agenda and demands.

“Studies have shown that most of the demonstrations organized by Black Lives Matter have been peaceful,” Eide said. 

Comment: Lie!   The hard, indisputable evidence of absolute violence by the BLM Marxist is in the public domain for all to see... Make up your own minds, rather than reading the drivel of these globalist, one-world-order miscreants...

“Of course there have been incidents, but most of them have been caused by the activities of either the police or counter-protestors.”

Comment: Another big lie!  Most, if not ALL, of the anarchy and insurrection was planned and carried out by these anti-American, Christ-haters.

"A study by the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project, which looked at 7,750 Black Lives Matter demonstrations from four months of last year, found that 93 percent of the protests were mostly peaceful, yet photographs and videos captured by journalists across America depict a different image.

Comment: Must I write it again?  Another big lie... "yet photographs and videos captured by journalists across America depict a different image."  


"While there have been numerous violent incidents involving the movement’s name, several innocent civilians and members of Congress have suffered from the cruelties of activists from within the movement.

Comment: There is no doubt about that, as the video evidence doesn't lie... 

"Last August, Black Lives Matter activists harassed diners seated on the patio of a Mexican restaurant and allegedly demanded they raise their fists. Other activists from the movement also surrounded Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and several women for several minutes on the streets of Washington, DC, as they attempted to leave a Republican National Convention event at the White House.

Comment: It is becoming increasingly obvious that our beloved country is becoming a hell-hole of hate and fear perpetrated by the leftist mafia hell-bent on destroying our way of life; our traditions, and our ability to go about our daily lives in peace and tranquility...

"Last September, released data from Princeton University showed that riots associated with the Black Lives Matter movement took place in 48 out of the 50 largest cities in the United States."

Final Comment... What makes matters worse, if that's even possible, is that some Marxist/Communist in the "Catholic" Church hierarchy are swallowing the line of the BLM maniacs.  There is a photo of one "bishop" kneeling -- KNEELING!!!! -- holding a BLM sign in support of these loonies...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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