Tuesday, January 5, 2021

What Happens When A Wild Animal Is Backed Into A Corner?

 He strikes; he attacks; he fights for his life to the very end, but he does fight!

If this is true in the jungle, what are we humans supposed to do when backed into a corner with few options at our disposal?

First, we are not wild animals living in the jungle; we do not adhere to the "survival of the fittest" ideology where, might makes right...

But we are Americans living in America.   Our country was born from strife, fighting to free ourselves from a despot, thousands of miles from our shores.  In the history books, it is called: 1776, and the beginning of the American Revolution.  It was not the same as the French Revolution where thousands of God-fearing folks -- including many Catholic religious orders and clergy -- were massacred all in the name of "liberty, equality, and fraternity"; one of the cries of the "enlightenment" era.

It cannot be denied that some of the Founding Fathers of our country were Masons or sympathetic to Freemasonry.  Some were deists; one was a Catholic in the person of Charles Carroll.  Nevertheless, they all pledged their honor and fortunes -- and their very lives -- to found a nation where all men were created equal (meaning that all had an equal chance to better themselves, except for those imprisoned by slavery), etc...

Second, when American politicians, or anyone for that matter, legislate without adhering to the Natural Law at the very least, and specifically without God, then we will not be able to keep the Republic that was bequeathed to us with the blood, sweat, and tears of our ancestors.  What we now see happening in our beloved land, is an attempt to install into the political landscape of Washington, D.C., and beyond, a radical, anti-American, anti-God cabal of destroyers of the pre-born, by the felonious attempt to steal the recent presidential election through voter and election fraud.  Those Democrats are so evil, so diabolical, that we will have no choice but to resist to the face, these mongrels; these anti-life demons...

If those intent on transforming America into a puppet state of the Communists are successful, then we will have to fight for our faith and families.  It may become an internal "Red Dawn" right in our own back yards, with the reality much worse than any concocted Hollywood movie script with make-believe blood and mayhem.  If we are indeed so weakened to such a point, then our enemies outside our borders could very well see an opportunity to attack and invade our land, thinking that we are so disorganized that we would not be able to withstand such a threat.  However, that would be a massive miscalculation on their part that would lead to their ultimate defeat and total destruction...

In the meantime, it is up to us patriots -- with the help and grace of almighty God -- to protect and defend our Constitution, especially the First and Second Amendments that guarantee our right to worship our Lord and live in freedom from tyranny, at all costs, if necessary...

This is truly the times that try men's souls...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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