Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Is It Live Or Is It Memorex?

 Does anyone remember the T.V. commercial from several decades ago: Is It Live Or Is It Memorex?  The gist of the commercial is that the Memorex recording looked so real, that it was almost impossible to determine what was actually live, in-person, and what was on tape... 

Let's change it to: is it real, or is it Memorex?   Are we living in a parallel universe where illusion is the norm, or is what we are experiencing in the secular and ecclesiastical realm, real?

As far as secular society goes, I see a chasm between what is reality and what is propaganda -- not necessarily leftist propaganda, but propaganda in the sense that what is presented to us as live (real), "current events" happening right before our eyes, is said to be something different that what we actually see!

There are many examples of this, especially over the last several months as we saw major cities on fire from insurrectionist, Communist mobs destroying the lives and businesses that folks built up with their blood, sweat, and tears to provide for themselves and their families, only to see their dreams go up in smoke.  Or having a governor or mayor -- predominantly of the Democratic persuasion -- telling them that their church services are "non-essential," or that they have to stay locked-up in their homes for fear of spreading or contracting a strain of the flu bug...

It seems that the fear of getting sick and dying is priority number one, rather than getting into, and remaining in a state of grace, and attaining the beatific vision of Christ and the Blessed Trinity...

We see the ubiquitous signs on the doors of the businesses that are open, that a face-diaper is necessary in order to shop in their stores, by order of the health department of the various cities and towns.  But what law is their authority derived from?  As it turns out, there is no real law, but an arbitrary dictate -- a demand -- that their edict be obeyed, or else...  This is a usurpation of the separation of powers delineated in the constitution of the states, or the federal Constitution for that matter.  Briefly, it is the duty and obligation of the legislative branch to make laws, the judicial branch of government to rule on the legality of the proposed law, with the executive branch having nothing to do with making or ruling on the constitutionality of said law.  (Executive orders issued by a governor or president, are a different animal, and can be an abuse of power in and of itself.)

Tied in to the chaos we are currently experiencing in our beloved land, is that of the ecclesiastical hierarchy of the various denominations, particularly those of the Catholic Church.  It is said that as the church goes, so goes society.  What has been coming out of Rome since the election of Bergoglio in 2013, is nothing short of confusion and chaos, turning upside-down, perennial church teachings.  Keeping in mind that the pope is the custodian and protector of the Deposit of Faith: sacred Scripture and Tradition, and not an innovator as we see in the person of Francis.  One of the most egregious attacks on the church of Christ has been blatant idolatry right in the heart of St. Peter's cathedral with the worship of the piece of wood known as Pachamama.   And now, Bergoglio is re-writing canon law by proposing that females can now be lectors and acolytes -- two of the minor orders that lead to the major orders of deacon and, finally, priest.  

So what is going on here?  Is it real, or is it Memorex?  I'm afraid it is reality in all its ugly manifestations.  Moreover, if Biden -- the apostate Catholic -- does weasel his way into the White House, our country will descend into a Marxist "utopia," where God-fearing, pro-life, pro-Second Amendment patriots will suffer the very real possibility of outright persecution, either jail-time or worse.

Pray for strength and honor!  (Remember, our Lord promised us that the gates of hell would never prevail against His church!!)

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla



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