Friday, January 22, 2021

The Irony? Our Freedom Is Now Our Downfall...

 It seems that we are (or were?) too free for our own good.  This has been played out by allowing too many to enter the country with other than honorable intentions.  Instead of those aliens -- whether legal or not -- coming to America to love and defend her against all enemies both foreign and domestic, many have become an internal enemy to be reckoned with.  This has caused the siphoning-off of crucial resources that could have been directed to improve and repair our infrastructure of community-based programs, as well as bridges, roads, and tunnels...

And with the installation of the malefactor, rogue Biden to lead the ship-of-state, the former heads of agencies such as the CIA, FBI and other intelligence-gathering and investigating entities, are now publicly stating that the enemies of our nation are not the non-citizen aliens, but rather the God-fearing, pro-life citizens that love America!

In a recent, chilling interview, (see here: Even Libertarians) the traitor and perjurer, former head of the CIA, John Brennan, actively called for the rooting-out of those patriots who supported President Trump, including congressmen and senators!  Labeling those American citizens as extremists and threats to our "democracy."  There was not one mention of those rioters (Antifa, the so-called Black Lives Matter/Marxist Communists) who nearly destroyed a good portion of some of our largest cities over the course of the past summer and fall.  Is there any surprise here??  

It is obvious that these "Brennan types" are emboldened now more than ever because of the unlawful installation of Biden as president, and the anti-Catholic bigot, Harris.

There should be no confusion here: This is only the beginning, because the likes of Brennan are out to neutralize Christians more than any other group of freedom-loving Americans.  

Christ is very specific: The world will hate you because it hated Me.   We are also told that the servant is no greater than the Master!  Meaning, we will suffer just as much, if not more than our Savior.  But there is good -- no, make that great news!   It is the Elect; the Remnant that will win the crown of eternal life.  While those who persecute His faithful servants, will be on the receiving end of Divine Justice, if not in this life, then in the next, where wealth, power, influence, deception, and treachery will fall by the wayside when these miscreants stand before our Lord at their Particular Judgment, and account for their evil works!  There will be no escape...

Pray for strength and honor...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla    


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