Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Is There ANY Good News Out There????

 Yes, plenty.

Show me, you say?

Follow along with my reasoning and I'll prove it...

The recent, rigged, presidential election, has put into power, an illegitimate, compromised Biden, who, by his executive orders, has already destroyed thousands of high-paying jobs by stopping the construction of the XL pipeline.  

The labor unions that voted for the corrupt Biden, have now turned their full fury against him and the Democratic Party.  And rightly so!

This is only the beginning, as these American-hating, Marxist-Democrats, plan to implement the so-called "Green New Deal."  This will be another disaster in the making for anyone who owns a car or a house.  Fuel prices will skyrocket; heating a home will become much more expensive, and the list will get longer for anyone who has any device that uses gasoline or diesel fuel...

Aside from an economic apocalypse that will make itself manifest in the very near future, there is the human disaster that will accelerate with each passing day, as the pro-baby-killer, Biden, re-establishes harsh, anti-life policies in order to placate the financial support he received from such genocidal organizations as "planned parenthood," NARAL, and their ilk.

If you are a parent, and have a young girl that goes to school, you'll be "happy" to know -- if you haven't already heard -- that the anti-Natural Law, Biden, also signed an executive order allowing males who identify as females, to use your dear daughter's bathroom at the school she attends.

Catholics -- and even some mainline Protestant denominations -- will be targeted simply because they are God-fearing, pro-life, pro-Second Amendment American patriots who simply want an even better life for their children and grandchildren, and that includes not being buried under a mountain of debt.

There is a good possibility that Biden and company will have to repay the Red Chinese Communists for their "investment" in what has become known as the "Biden crime family," including his number one "hit-man-son," Robert Hunter, gleaning tens of millions of dollars from China in very shady financial deals...

Now, I could list numerous other obstacles to our American way of life that a Biden administration could throw in our path to find some measure of happiness in this, our beloved country.  But the several examples I have listed should be enough to indicate the absolute horror that this apostate Catholic can inflict on his fellow citizens...

And that's a lot of bad news; there will be more coming...

So, where's the good news??

Think about it in this way: With every attack on our humanness; on the Natural Law; on our freedoms to worship God; on our ability to speak our opinions without fear of government retribution, and, most especially, the continued and even more aggressive attacks on the pre-born gift of life of our Creator, there is -- or will be -- a reaction.

If there is any manhood and womanhood still extant in our nation, the God-fearing will find a way out of this mess.  And we know the way, the truth, and the life.  As has happened in times of grave crises, the populace will finally turn to God almighty and beg for mercy and strength, not only to face the current trials and tribulations, but also to be "born again" in the love of God and neighbor.  

What we are going through at the present time, is a chastisement for being lukewarm, or outright rejecting Him who made us: To know, love, and serve God in this life, and be happy with Him in the next.   But a great revival is coming!  

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


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